What these shallow devs who are screaming for all-digital don't realize is that digital-only would require a crapload of collaboration. They would have to collab with our Internet Service Providers to make sure every gamer in the world has a good connection, and to make them STOP THROTTLING US. they would have to collab with every major retailer who sells games, they would have to collab with every other dev company to make sure everyone's on board with it, and they would have to collab with some major firewall companies to make sure their server defenses are rock solid, so we don't lose our card info (*cough* PS *cough* 3). Not to mention all the unhappy customers you will have, me included.
It's definitely not as cut-and-dry as they make it out to be. But what do I know? I'm just the one putting food on their tables.
First the guy who makes Kinect games starts running his mouth about used games, then the guy behind Crysis 2 (or should I say Crisis) talks about it, now a guy at Codemasters??? Notice everybody at Ubi and Activision and EA are keeping their mouths shut. Just sayin...
@Texasguy It should be about the consumer, seeing as we're the ones providing them their precious moolah. But now they're just biting the hands that are feeding them.
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