@zo70 I Am Legend was just survival against infected people, not against regular people too. That's the center point of Last of Us; the infected is just on the side. Nice try, Xbox fanboy.
A year ago, Deus Ex converted me from an online shooter junkie to an artistic-game lover. Sony is constantly working on innovative projects like The Last of Us and Beyond, and for that reason they will always have my loyalty as well as my wallet. We need more artistic, story-driven games like DX3, where the shooting mechanic is just in the background.
Agreed, I didn't even get a next-gen console until 09 because that's when the decent games started kicking out. I din't get a PS3 until January of last year even though I've been a die-hard of PS1 and 2, simply because they didn't have any games. But now it's definitely in its prime. Playstation All-Stars FTW!
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