I downloaded the game around 5:00 last night and a little after 9:00 I had beaten the entire game. And I had pauses in my play during that time so it wasn't 4 hours of gameplay time.
Within 4 hours I beat the entire game. It felt kinda weird because I'd never done that before. It's like..well that's it..the entire game. Finished with around 95 lives and 2.3 million points. That was $8 well spent, huh? Ha...
The only thing I care about other than having fun with the game is simply getting past the game. I am going to beat Contra III on hard so I can get the ending.
I don't really care..well I CARE, in that I try to have fun with games. If I'm enjoying it, it really doesn't matter if I use codes or play on Normal or whatever, enjoying it is what counts. There are more important things than video games anyway and I think the reason games are "easier" nowadays is that they're more complex with sidequests and 3D worlds and there are so many games now, that people who play a lot of games don't wanna sit and do the same thing over and over again on the same game trying to beat it when there are too many other games to play. I don't wanna have a bunch of games and die before I get to play most of them because I'm trying to beat Contra or whatever lol
See I don't know how to power up that whole power-up system. I just use whatever power up I get every time I get one. I managed to beat Contra 3 on Normal and make it to the 5th boss on Hard. I can make it to that 5th boss on Normal before using a continue. That boss is the spawn of the devil. You can't hit him because the room is spinning. There's no way to aim at him. The only way I managed to beat him is just get lucky and use the bomb whenever I die and I beat him with 1 or 2 lives left.
I have Castlevanias I, II and IV on VC and Symphony of the Night on Playstation. I'm planning to get Legacy of Darkness on N64, Chronicles on PS and eventually all the handhelds. So what should the next 3 I get be?
SNES got gray and purple buttons? They made the controller less colorful...you ever played DKC3? In those Banana Bird caves, the crystals are the same colors of the corresponding buttons on the Super Famicom controller.
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