Right, they get some things, but mainly cosmetics. It's the scripting mods they are missing out on. For instance, customizable 3rd person camera, archery overhaul, animation mods, Spell and cooking overhaul, combat overhauls like Wildcat, and besides those, there are complete overhauls that add entirely different regions with tailormade quests(many even with voice acting) from modders. There's tons of content that consoles don't get due to lack of skyrim script extender.
Oh, and let's not forget the co-op mod that is impossible to do on consoles.
@Zombie8814: Skyrim has a slew of the most popular PC mods. They're just part of the main menu options, you can go through and select which ones you want to download/enable. Same thing with Fallout 4.
They didn't come until later after original launch, but they've been available on consoles for quite a while now.
Except for the Skyrim Script Extender, which is used for a lot of the bigger, more involved mods. Consoles only get cosmetics for the most part, and can't make use of stuff that involves SkyUI and the like.
@Pyrosa: I'll definitely agree that she was great in Knives Out, but it's still just a weird flex regarding the NC17 rating.
NC-17 rating can be a flex simply because it flies in the face of capitalism owning Hollywood. Hollywood has been mainly a soulless husk just churning out content for the highest amount money possible, and NC-17 automatically means they don't just care about the money because of the limited audience appeal. I'm perfectly fine with it, to be honest.
DragonfireXZ95's comments