Isn't the whole flower dying saying just an analogy for "if you want to do something great, it requires sacrifice"? That's what I got out of it. It wasn't nearly as disjointed as this review makes it out to be. It was confusing at first, but easy to pick up on once you realized where they were in the storyline. Granted, it's not the best way to do it, and it could definitely follow a more linear fashion, but hey, it's still pretty good for what it is.
@DragonfireXZ95: you do know right, when they say 8k 120 fps, what they actually mean is, 1080p - 4k interlaced signals at 120~ fps and 8k interlaced at 60~
what ypu'll actually get, is 4k native 60 (game varies) 1400p 120 fps (with monitor support etc) and 8k interlaced 60~
it's marketting, but if you had an 8k tv you'd notice a difference over a 4k interlaced signal, and a true 4k output would look better anyway.
anyway my point is most gamers know this when they see corporate BS. It will be in line with the tech of today so, expect slowdowns. you can't blame them for marketting it this way, right now the only game people are genuinely looking forward to is what, halo 7 or 8 or whatever the number is now
Duh. That's why I pointed out that that the author didn't say that.
@frizzkills: you wouldn't be excited to be invited to check this out? I would be. Sounded like an excited gamer to me, thats enough.
The fact that the author seems to think that it will actually achieve 8k 120 fps is the reason this whole article sounds a bit shilly. Most seasoned gamers that know anything about hardware will take that with a big grain of salt, but the author didn't. It does seem a bit like a paid article, either that, or the author is kind of a moron about hardware.
@DragonfireXZ95: Witcher one was terrible, the graphics were shocking for a decade old game, it's aged poorly too, but what Witcher has over Witcher 2 is densitivity and a map you must explore similar to command and conquer style map exploration, (Witcher 1 and 3 are where fans would flock too) however Witcher 2 that game was no fan service it's a abomination like dragon age 2, and the developers stated countless times you do not need to play shenmue 1 and 2 to understand 3, what's more alarming is it's strict compliance with Sony, epic I couldn't care about.
Everything you said just reaffirms why CD Projekt shouldn't have made Witcher 3 the same as Witcher 1. So were you agreeing with me? I can't even tell, because you're basically rambling this whole post.
@Gelugon_baat: It kinda was though. They wanted to recapture everything, flaws and all, from the Dreamcast games. They hired professional voice actors but were directed to act differently. It's a game for fans, it's the ultimate fanservice.
It's a very unique case.
That's the main problem. Imagine if CD Projekt saw how well received The Witcher 1 and instead of proving the game, they made every single game exactly the same, so The Witcher 3 would have been exactly like The Witcher 1. It wouldn't have gone over well at all. I actually enjoyed Shenmue 1 and 2 back in the day, but after I saw actual gameplay of 3, I realized just how badly this type of gameplay aged. I haven't bought it yet, simply because I don't know if I'll enjoy it.
@PETERAKO: I actually thought the trailer was pandering a bit too much to the action side of things. Cool, flashy stuff; the prequels did that in the trailers and look how those turned out? At any rate, I thought The Force Awakened was incredibly mediocre with no character development thanks to them turning Rey into a Mary Sue from the get-go. Never really wanted to watch The Last Jedi after the claptrap that was TFA.
@kgsg-19-2: Netflix is an optional service that doesn't block you from accessing the internet using non-related products if you don't pay. You don't pay, you don't play online(except with free 2 play games). The analogy doesn't work here. You aren't forced to pay for Netflix, you are forced to pay for PS+. The game rentals are just a side thing, like you said, but they are still rentals because you don't get to keep them.
@kgsg-19-2: They aren't free, considering you can't keep them if you stop paying. It's a glorified rental service where you don't get to choose which games you rent.
DragonfireXZ95's comments