just finished unpacking and have moved into my dorm at university.
Dragoon_Of_Dark Blog
Im Back
by Dragoon_Of_Dark on Comments
so yeah, im back now, and it went pretty good, got some games, got some money, got some magic cards, yeah sounds like a good trip to me. now the countdown to University begins
See you in Two weeks, kinda
by Dragoon_Of_Dark on Comments
well, im going away on a vaction like thingy, and wont be back for about 10 days, and as it is, there is no internet where i am going, so all i have is my phone's 3G, :lol: so i may be around but not much.
by Dragoon_Of_Dark on Comments
Well summer is feeling kinda slow and boring so far. what happen to there always being somthing to do :|
but on an upside i am almost finished writing my book "The Truth About Heaven" for the contest i entered. well it finished just doing the touch ups now.
i will problem put the first chapter up here if it gets published or not
It's All Over!!
by Dragoon_Of_Dark on Comments
I am now finished Highschool. i finished my exams, my prom and a 7am grad tis morning. now off to University for four more years...
well lets see how that turns out
Well Well Well
by Dragoon_Of_Dark on Comments
i have finished my last highschool exams and have graduation on the 29th.
and lastnight, early this morning was prom, which was very awesome, and DoD learned how to dance... kinda :P
oh summer vacation how i cant wait
Bring it ON
by Dragoon_Of_Dark on Comments
okay. so i finaly finished my Class selection for SMU. and my class layout is
Introduction To Modern Ireland
Introduction To Psyc
Introduction To Sociology
Introduction to Lit
Introduction to Japanese Language
Then for Term 2
Introduction to Japanese Language II
INtroduction to Japanese Culture
Social Power and Relations
Psyc Mind and Brain
Introduction To Critical Thinking of Lit.
and i have exams in two weeks from today.
Global Geo 12
Sociology 12 and
Mi'kmaq 10.
lets do this!
Running on Empty
by Dragoon_Of_Dark on Comments
oh man its been some time since i made one of these. and with good reason. things have gotten so busy as of late. guess that makes sense with it being my last year of highschool though. I'm
Practicing for Track everyday
Writing a book for a Publishing Contest
Getting Preperations for Prom done (luckly the girls dont want the guys to do anything other then buy their suits)
Taking care of University Class Selection
And Filming with Page5Productions.
damn i need a break
Whats With That
by Dragoon_Of_Dark on Comments
now that we are well into the PS3/X-box360 generation of gaming i've been wondering somthing. somthing that has been gone since these consoles have come out. SAving Screens. were have they gone.
remeber back when a game would have its own saving screen with background and music and maybe even a cool little inteaction thingy.
Like REsident Evil and its Type Writers
or Persona 4 with its aswome music and Yellow Black back drop or a Ar Tonelico Save Screen were a Funboon will jump across the screen
So why is it now all we get is a fade out of what we were doing on the game and a PSN saving screen with no cool BGMs or or CGs
Why i say, i miss the effort put into a save screen.
well thats about it for my litttle rant.
by Dragoon_Of_Dark on Comments
im back from my week long disapearing act
and what has happened over this time you mya ask.
well first of i got Ar Tonelico Qoga Knell of Ar Ciel. and boy is it damn fun.
so far i have to say im enjoying it and there are a few characters worth mentioning that look cool in it.
Tats is a pretty cool dude. but i suspect him of being a Her, but more of that later.
and i look forward to seeing Cocona and Sasha from AT2 and Jack and Kruche from AT1 when they show up. goe 8hours clocked in sofar and more to come
also over this week i got my acceptance letter for Saint Mary's University. so starting next year on Sept 7th DoD's going to university
other then that not much happened. and im back now. so get ready
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