so here it is as promised my first film work :P tell me what you guys think
and for those who dont know my real name is Keith and im the main character in it :P
so here it is as promised my first film work :P tell me what you guys think
and for those who dont know my real name is Keith and im the main character in it :P
well im back for good now i think :P ... i hope, then again i never expected my final year of highschool to go easy.
i was gone do to school work one of which was a film project where me and my team had to make a short film (after i edit it, it will be up :P )
and i also am currently working on an article for my school news paper :P ill post this is people want to read it. but there then that and a large essay i should be back for good :P
in other news i found a old spindel of PSone games in my closet and im going threw all one by one i beat Parasite Eve II sofar and im working on Vandel Hearts and Parasite Eve. i know mu Final Fantasy games and Personas are in there to :P along with all the good classic ones like Spyro and Bloody Roar lol so will see whats all in there well i move along with it.
i think thats all i got for now :P ah well not like this is twitter and i got hundreds of people reading what i post i think i have about seven on here :lol:
so for you who read this
Song Of The Day: Tiny Japanese Girl - Salvonic
Anime Of The Day: Umineko no Naku Koro ni
Book Of The Day: Rosario + Vampire Season 2 Volume 2
Game Of The Day: Vandel Hearts
have a nice day
hey everyone me and my friends recently got a game on Steam. its called Amnesia Dark Descent, and my god it is trule one of the best horror games i have played in a long time. its like like these horror game that are always coming out like Dead Space or Resident Evil 5. you wanna fight back. well have fun dieing. i honestly almost **** my pants. and you guys should really give it a try
in this game you play Danile an Alchemist with Amnesia and has left letters to himself telling him to find and kill a man named Alexander. you also tell yourself that a shadow is hunting you. this game is very emersive and detailed. you will spend most of the game hinding from momsters and hoping you dont go insane
# 1
Boss Name: Liquid/Revolver Ocelot
Game: Metal Gear Solid 4
Platform: PS3
Times Fought: Once
Location Of Boss Fight: Atop Outer Haven
After Words:
By far the greatest boss battle i have seen. the final showdown for the great Solid Snake now Old Snake, where he fight Liquid Ocelot. but threw out the battle Ocelot ends up changeing back to his old selfs making this batle even better. another notebul fact about this battle is it has three parts Young Ocelot, Liquid Ocelot and Revolver Ocelot and each time he changes to one of these the health bar and music changes to that for the game you orignal fought that character over all this is just a really dramatic battle that is not only a great endding to a game. but a great battle compared to other games
here is a list of fun boss battles that did not make the list but are still really fun
Name: Bowser
Game: Super Mario 64
Name: Mother Brain
Game: Metroid
Name: Tom Nook
Game: Animal Crossing
Name: Bob The Killer Goldfish
Game: Earthwrom Jim
Name: Izanami no Okami
Game: Persona 4
Name: Lazarevic
Game: Uncharted2
Name: Red
Game: Pokemon Crystal/(Heart)Gold/(Soul)Silver
be ready for my #1 Boss Battle Coming up
# 2
Boss Name: Nyx Avatar/Nyx
Game: Persona 3
Platform: Playstation 2/PSP
Times Fought: Once
Location Of Boss Fight: Top Of Tarturus
After Words:
this has to be one of the top ten video game battles for everyone who has played this game. once you and your team make it to the top of the tower on the promised day you fight the Nyx Avatar. this is the diffcult part of the fight. after the thrilling battle. Nyx's True body appears and are hero goes in alone to finish off him one on one. useing all the power he gained from his friends he uses his new power to save the world. a good reason this fight was so good was the Battle music :P
# 3
Boss Name: Emperor Bulblax
Game: Pikmin
Platform: Gamecube
Times Fought: Once
Location Of Boss Fight: The Final Trail
After Words:
most people who fought this this remember it as this
"thats odd it says the last item is here?. Holy S*** What the F*** is that, oh god it just killed half my guys"
but you where ready the seconed time :P and you got even too. thebigest badess Grub-dog in the pikmin game and the only enemy in the final area. but if you are gonna beat him. you need to get to this level with a minmum of 2 Days left becasue it takes a full day to clear the path to what i like to call "The Arena" the best way to beat him is with yellow pikmin. lucky they included some bombs near him that make things easy when you get the hang of fighting him
Boss Name: Raki
Game: Ar Tonelico 2: Melody Of Metafalica
Platform: PS2
Times Fought: As Much As You Want
Location Of Boss Fight: Al Ciel Sphere
After Words:
this is a fun boss battle becasue Raki becomes stronger as the fight goes on and you can fight her over and over again and everytime her stats go up. but sadly if you have a NA copy of the game you cant enjoy this battle due to the fact that on your 3rd defence phase she uses an attack the frezzes the game. but if you have EU or JP copy your fine to enjoy. or a modded PS2 with the fan patch aswell.
# 5
Boss Name: Datatsushi
Game: Siren
Platform: PS2
Times Fought: Once
Location Of Boss Fight: Beyond The Mirrior
After Words:
now this was a fun horror survival boss. you cant even see this bastard due to him being transpeant. and a demon or god. or somthing, going into this fight you have. a Sword made to destroy this monster. a Artifact for killing him that summons divine fire. and a hunting riffle. but thats useless here. the cool thing for this fight is your fighting him in a foggy wasteland and on this big battle ground there is one sorce of hope to deafeat him to get the Good ending (kill him with the sword) to do this us must sitejack the Boss when doing this you will see the sprit of your Dead Friend directing you to a giant Mirror Stone that lets you see what your eyes can not. this lets you attack thie invisibul god and avenge your friend
# 6
Boss Name: Glados
Game: Portal
Platform: PS3/X-Box 360/PC
Times Fought: Once
Location Of Boss Fight:
After Words:
now this was a fun and new type of battle in a game. Glados was truly a great boss in a great game
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