I'm almost sure this game will end up coming sometime. Even if it's not by now, even if it just end up being an cash-hunter sequel with no significant boost in quality over the 1st one, there's no way SEGA would simply abandon this IP. It was one of the best of its year and probably the best hack-n'-slash (gameplay wise) of this generation.
I won't lie, I was rooting for Shepard to die (it would be completely fitting with the overall tone of the game), but that nonsensial final dialogue with the Catalyst (with it presenting outcomes with not even completely explaining them) was just stupid. Alas, after Shepard ascends and the Catalyst shows up, everything starts to get a little crappy. I didn't got soooooo disappointed with the ending because people arround the internet were saying it was so bad that my expectations got lower than the deliver. But I think the fact that a lot of people are DEMANDING to BioWare to make a new ending shows that the ME series really marked our gaming generation. There are lots of games arround with crappy endings, but none got the audience so mobilized to change it as this one. This is an remarkable achievement for BioWare, one way or another... If they should or not change the ending, well, I really think that's their decision to make, not to ours. If they don't do so, fans should accept (no matter how hard it might be) that the guys simply missed the point when writed the ending, and move on, just as they do with many other games; for this game is their property, they made it and they're completely in their right to ruin it.
Really, I don't know what's worse in this game: the ending or the - "hey, let's take out half of the squad; including badass characters like Thane, Legion, Mordin, Zaeed and Jack and put an 'worse-than-Jacob, almost-devoid-of-personality' character that anyone is never going to use through the whole game except when there's no option to replace them. This will surely make the players more satisfacted!" - that the developers have thrown on it. Well, at least we've god EDI with a body but, AI for AI, I still prefered Legion for a long shot...
I used to take an arrow to the knee, then I god bored from that Skyrim crap and went play something better...like Dark Souls or The Witcher 2, or Street Cleaning Simulator...
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