The day without discs will be the day I switch from consoles to PC. There is no way I would pay $60 for a digital download, and why would I pay that amount of money or something that I dont own?
And yes, there actully is a thing we can do about it. Dont download games digital, atleast when they offer full ownership on physical discs. If you download a full price game digital on consoles, you only give more money in the pocket of developers on publishers, along with you ownership and rights.
If you pay for PS+ you get free games from Sony. Where is the free games from Microsoft? Also, Sony doesnt hide apps that require you to pay behind a pay wall. If you want to watch Netflix on Xbox, you have to pay Microsoft before you can even use Netflix. Its insane.
What happens when a third party creates the same game on both consoles? Xbox One powers trough the cloud and the game will be always online, and the PS4 powers trough th hardware and can be played offline?
@Fortune_Speaks Yoshida speaks the truth. Sony have can use cloud servers just the way Microsot does, but they dont need to hype up something that doesnt work, and they already have more powerful hardware under the PS4 hood.
I like how Yoshida is honest about the limitations of cloud computing. Microsoft is pitching it as though it will infinitely increase the power of their console. Cloud computing is not going to change much. No important system, especially anything that needs to be updated within the frame loop, is going to be offloadable to the cloud. If I may be cynical, cloud computing is just a way for developers to require an always on connection while playing their game without having to call it “DRM.” See Sim City.
So after five years when the X1 hardware is lacking behind, every game will be always online because every game needs to benefit from the cloud in order to keep up to date?
If cloud is the future for any game, oh man... I might find myself a new hobby. Remember the days we could just get home, turn on our NES and play games right from the cartridge without Cloud, connecting, microtransactions, DLC, used games issue, DRM..... I miss those times. I just payed for my console and games. Now I have to pay to Internet, online gaming, DLC, microtransactions ++++ ... god..
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