Really enjoying Metro Last Light, enjoyed Metro 2033. Hope they continue putting out great games.
That said -GET THESE GUYS AN OFFICE! It doesn't sound like they expect a free gym or gold plated toliets. With good equipment and, you know, heat, they could do wonders.
I am a few hours into the game now and really enjoying it. The only complaint I have so far is being unable to skip the minute long list of developers and nvidia stuff when you load the game. Hate when games make me sit through it every single time.
Even if it was free I wouldn't take the time to play through the game 3 more times just to get max level. I enjoyed BL2 , but I am never going back to Claptrap's glacier.
I am a fan. I am saying I disliked Saints Row the Third, especially compared to Saints Row 2 which was incredible. Saints row 2 was better than GTA 4 in my book. Stick with the style of SR 2.
Dreammosaic's comments