[QUOTE="DryBomber5"]That LCD uses FRC to get 16.7 million colors, the same as an 8-bit IPS panel. So don't worry, the colors will look just fine ;) .. 1)Every LCD has a little ghosting, but I doubt that you'll notice very often with a 2ms TN panel 2)2ms GtG means that no color should take longer than 5ms to show, so it shouldn't be too hard to adjust to 3)Look for dead or bright pixel defects when you get the monitor, and return it to Newegg if you have any problems... I actually got it on amazon and I got it new so I'm hoping there won't be dead pixels. Now you said a little ghosting, but it's barely noticeable right? Does your monitor have a little ghosting as well? What about IPS monitors? Basically I'm just asking if we're all in the same boat with the ghosting issue?Ok so besides bad vieiwing angles, and poor colors, is there really anything else wrong with a TN panel compared to an IPS? Because from what I've heard, that's about it...
I wanna do a recap and make sure I understand
Heres the link to the monitor I ordered: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236049
Here are my questions that I have.
1) Will there be any ghosting? And if so, how bad?
2) Is 2ms (monitors response time) going to be hard to adjust to from using an SDTV?
3) Will I experience any other issues? (Besides viewing angles and colors)
DryBomber5's forum posts
Ok so besides bad vieiwing angles, and poor colors, is there really anything else wrong with a TN panel compared to an IPS? Because from what I've heard, that's about it...
I wanna do a recap and make sure I understand
Heres the link to the monitor I ordered: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236049
Here are my questions that I have.
1) Will there be any ghosting? And if so, how bad?
2) Is 2ms (monitors response time) going to be hard to adjust to from using an SDTV?
3) Will I experience any other issues? (Besides viewing angles and colors)
[QUOTE="Gambler_3"]I don't think that Dell makes their own panels, eh? Either way, I never said it's perfect. I'm just saying that TN panels have come a long way, and they're much better than you would have people believe.. Oh, and I told you I would prove it, so here ya go. Prototype from the future? lol.. It's an older model, discontinued LCD monitor with a TN panel... Even with the ambient light reflecting off the front, you can still tell that there is no problem whatsoever viewing my monitor from an angle...lol I dont know what to say. If you have a TN panel with such blacks and perfect viewing angles you REALLY should put it on ebay as it seems to me you got your hands on a prototype from the future.
IPS panels are still much better than TN. And btw dell doesnt make the best TN panels, thats why your son's LCD seems crappy.
Can you provide a link for your monitor, on say perhaps newegg or something.
Ikr? I'm a CoD fan myself, and after playing it for so long it's just getting old. Of course, there are other reasons why I stopped playing them (When I say stopped playing them, I don't mean entirely, just not the way I used to play them) but at any rate, all I care about right now is skyrim. :Dyeah haha
I like to keep it balanced, and use a mixture of combat styles (archery, magic and melee). I do however, prefer archery over the rest and will probably be using that combat style the most. It's hard to say though, since the game hasn't came out yet. But I'm definitely looking forward to dual-welding weapons. I do have to say this, and I hope you guys will come to the same conclusion, and that is the hope that there won't be a duplication glitch. Now, I got oblivion in 2009 (3 years after its release) and the duplication glitch was well known at the time (I have no idea when it was discovered). But I gotta say, that glitch really ruined the experience I had with the game. Now don't get me wrong, the game was amazing... and yeah I had the choice to not use it but I couldn't resist. I was desperate to unlock the high magic spells, and other abilities. Not to mention you never were short of money... I just really hope I can get by enjoying this game without any glitches interfering. Does anyone feel the same way?I usually play as a one-handed sword and shield person with heavy armor. Love sneaking with my bow for the extra damage. Lockpicking was enjoyable in Oblivion, not sure what it is going to be in Skyrim. Really don't care for magic, might cast it once in a while to try and get more spells.
Superclocked, which monitor do have (link would be great but listing the specs is fine if you can't provide a link) and how does it compare with mine? You previously stated that while ips monitors are better with colors (you forgot to mention viewing angles), tn panels are better for games because they're faster.
Now before we go any further, I just want to say this. I really don't care about how much better the colors are on the ips panel than the tn panel. From what I understand, IPS panels are more expensive than TN panels and I think we get that for better quality, the IPS wins out. I'm perfectly okay with that fact, but I didn't come on here to ask about IPS panels did I? No, infact I didn't even ask about TN panels until it was brought up. So please let's stop with the "tn vs ips" discussion because (and I truly feel this way) I really don't care which one is better for colors and/or viewing angles.
ALL I CARE ABOUT is if the games I play on it will look smooth and ghost free. (Now that I understand the difference between motion blur and ghosting, I now know the main issue I had with my samsung 32" 720p 60hz hdtv and it was ghosting. There were other issues I had of course, but not significant enough...)
So can we please address that? Superclocked, I asked you about refresh rate on the monitor and a tv and you said they're "about the same either way" which kinda worried me a bit. Because that imples that my samsung (which is an lcd hdtv) could have the same refresh rate as this monitor. Now my question to you is this, what does fresh rate determine? If it's not ghosting, then that's a relief but that leads to another question, what causes the ghosting? (response time?) Can someone please inform me about ghosting?
I appreciate the feedback from everybody and apologise for all these questions, it's just frustrating when you're searching for answers and people expect you to just take their word for it...
What I would like to know is ; will Skyrim be one of those games that you should play all of the other ones before that to really enjoy and understand how to play the game. Because I really would like to buy it judging by how mny hours are in the game but will I be lost if I have never played th past elder scrolls games?guetta123No, don't worry. It would be a good idea to get oblivion and play it while you can so you get the learning curve down, so when Skyrim comes out you know what to expect from the gameplay. It's like if you bought mw3 and never played a CoD game in your life, the only difference is CoD is competitive multiplayer game. As others said, the story will be different so you won't have to worry about that, but in a different sense, I guess you may understand it better if you've played past elder scrolls, but I wouldn't worry.
I see what you're saying about the blacks and thanks for being honest, I mean I didn't expect them to be great but as long as they don't look terrible (which of course may be from a different perspective) but I can only judge when I see for myself. Now I'm glad you brought up refresh rate/motion blur/ghosting (whatever) because I really wanna discuss this, because this is what really bothered me about my older samsung 32" 720p 60hz 6ms response time HDTVI I got months ago... It was so bad that I decided to move the xbox 360 to my room and use my SDTV. Now what I wanna know is what exactly causes this motion blur? Like for example, when I was playing red dead redemption, the motion blur was only there (slightly) at night time, but during the day it was hardly noticeable. But when I played oblivion, the motion blur was everywhere, ESPECIALLY at night, I mean it was brutal. I actually had a difficult time playing the game because of how poor the display image was. Now that I shared my experience with an LCD HDTV (a crappy one of course) I want you guys to let me know, not just gambler_3 (even though he seems to know his stuff) what I should expect from this monitor. I ordered this monitor simply because it has a really good reputation and the reviews all said there's no issues, besides audio and other minor issues but overall, it's performance and quality is really good (especially for the price). Now, I come on the forums and gambler_3 and others of course are saying there will be motion blur? Like, really? Someone is obviously being purposefully deceitful and lying or just being dishonest, and it's frustrating enough getting to the bottom of this. I'm not picking on you gambler_3, but it's getting ridiculous. I got some people saying IPS panels suck, and then you saying they don't, I mean can we please stop for a moment. I understand where you're coming from with your IPS panel and you obviously think they're better than TN panels but can't we put all our opinions out the door for a second and be real?One hugely important advantage of IPS is color uniformity.
Plus I cant understand how having much more lifelike colors is not something important for gaming.
Now people say viewing angles dont matter which is again ridiculous. Do you only play games with keyboard/mouse? If yes then maybe they dont but if you game with a gamepad as well then you will essentially be gaming at 2 very different angles and postures. With a TN panel you will have to adjust the display if you wanna play something with a gamepad relaxing back in your chair. Same is the case with watching movies.
And lastly there is no input lag or ghosting on my IPS panel and if you think I am saying it cuz I own it then you dont know how many times I have criticized it as well for other reasons.
Now back to topic, every TN panel and pretty much every IPS panel LCD monitor will have blacks that depending on the individual and lightning conditions could be called pretty acceptable, barely acceptable or downright terrible but no such thing as "great blacks".
VA panel monitor have superior blacks however the shadow detail is almost unacceptable and the response time is really bad so they are not considered superior.
120Hz TN panel will have superior motion on the desktop and in games where the FPS exceeds 60FPS but 60hz TN monitors really dont have much of an advantage if at all with motion smoothness and ghosting.
This topic was about the black levels, but I want to switch to motion blur, because if I understand correctly, the two really have nothing to do with each other. Black levels just has to do with how truly the color black appears. Motion blur is a different issue and I am concerned with this the most, because who wants to play game if the video doesn't play back smoothly? So, I guess my question is, is there gonna be motion blur on this monitor? (if you don't know, please check the link for the specs)
Now, Gambler_3 you mentioned how 120hz tn panels are better than 60hz tn monitors which really brings me to an issue that still has yet to be addressed. I understand refresh rate enough to know that on bigger screens, refresh rate is obviously important and this applies mostly with LCD/LED's TV's. (I don't wanna bring plasmas to this discussion, so don't bring them up). But on a 24", I just don't see any reason to think 60hz would be an issue... I mean, do you see what I'm getting at here?
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