Ok, my parents have finally decided to get a new computer and get rid of the junk that is the old one. This means that I can finally play decent games, so i'm wondering what would be the best rig that could run crysis smoothly that is under $2000. If it has a directx 10 graphics card, it would be a plus (have no idea if this is possible). Also, i really dont care about sound so speakers dont have to be anything special.
Unsuprising since it has an entire group of console owners behind it since it has no other games worth mentioning. The PS3 and the 360 on the other hand.....Truth-slayer
Metroid Prime 3 is another one. It "flopped" on G$, but it was favorbably praised on other sites. The only exclusives I see for Microsoft is Bioshock or Halo or Mass Effect. PS3 games listed are doing crap on the votes. I mean 2% for Uncharted?!
Well, just for a new flash, mario is actually losing gound now. Its now 19% of votes to 15% of votes for Halo 3.
I think this actaully might get interesting. I dont own Mario,butlove Halo, but I'm actually rooting for Mario to win because the wii's has been getting so much crap from gamers and its about time that they get some recognition that they deserve (especially after my 360 died a week ago).
This, is quite a surprise. Mario Galaxy is leading in the Gamespot Best of 2007 preliminaries by having 511 votes. Halo 3, on the other hand, has only a little more than three-fifths: 363 votes. Dunno about you guys, but I was sure that Halo 3 would be leading by several thousand. Wonder how this will turn out.
Wether we as a communy is causing this, I have no idea, but Cnet is surely losing its price on stock
After a spike on Nov. 30 with 7.80, now on Dec. 3, it is 7.42. Down .38 points and rapiddly declining. I'm definately not a buisness person so I have no idea wether this was caused by Jeff's firing (probably not, but I'm hoping), I'm happy to see that those money loving bastards are losing.
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