@Raxyman: Yes, wherever you go and whatever you do in the modern world, you will find people who are intolerant of intolerance. I bet you miss the "good old days"
@lethwei: Why in the world should someone have to pay extra to have that content? Why should parents be anymore concerned about a homosexual romantic subplot than a heterosexual romantic subplot, when either way your children are going to be seeing some adult content? Isn't that your whole problem to begin with? Or is your problem that you are tolerant of a heterosexual romantic subplot being a part of the retail package, but intolerant of a homosexual romantic subplot being a part of the retail package?
I care. I don't follow it, but I'm happy it exists and want it to flourish. If people can get sponsored for playing games, that's great for them. Getting paid for having fun; does it get any better?
DubYew's comments