@buccomatic I'm just trying to get a clear answer out of you. You love to pretend you speak mysteries... with your ellipses... So who is the boogeyman that it trying to ruin the world? Come out and say it, don't be scared.
@Victorious_Fize I guess the people responsible for inserting politics into our games would be everyone who considers one of many gaming conventions to be a "political" issue.
@a140lbstud @Evanrocknuma @7_armageddon_7 Let me get this straight... by your logic straight white gamers are a minority group?
I'm so sorry about the oppression that straight white gamers face daily, having to pretend they are someone they are not just to "fit in" with "normal" people. It's truly a travesty, and I would be happy to donate to your Kickstarter for some kind of straight white gamer convention. God bless.
Gutsy move, I wish them the best and hope for their success. It's tough to break into the console market, but if anyone can it's the folks over at Google.
DubYew's comments