@buccomatic @Smokescreened84 @RoadStar1602 You do realize that people wear football jerseys and other apparel all over the place right? You may not think that's "shoving it down your throat", but I'm sure you would think that about someone wearing a shirt or hat proclaiming that they are LGBT, would you not? You'd pitch a fit!
Football is regularly played at all sorts of establishments (bars, restaurants, airports etc...). Again, you may think not shoving down anyones throats, but replace football with LGBT programming. You'd be going nuts screaming about communists to anyone who would listen.
If someone complained about a football game being played at a bar you were frequenting because they found it "offensive", and you really wanted to watch that game, you would not be amused. I know I wouldn't be.
@Branmuffin316 There are some people out there that think having a video game convention marketed towards LGBT community is a good idea. Judging by the number of investors, they might be on to something.
@RoadStar1602 I don't have a complaint. I don't have a problem with a video game convention that's marketed to the LBGT community. I'm not sure why anyone would. What's your complaint? You think it's a bad idea? Like I said, time will tell if the convention flops or succeeds.
@RoadStar1602 @Smokescreened84 Maybe it will end up being a terrible idea, maybe the event will flop and everyone will lose all the money the invested into it. Time will tell if you are correct.
@buccomatic You seem like you're trying to warn the world about something, but you won't say who or what it is you're trying to protect everyone from. What good are you if you are afraid to stand up for what you believe in?
DubYew's comments