E-123Wario54's forum posts
Some game boy color games can be played on the original game boy, usually the ones that are black cartridges. The clear cartridge game boy games are the ones that can only be played on the gameboy color.
Yup, that's it. I remember that now. :P
Golden Sun is the best. Then there are the Final Fantasys and Zeldas (Minish Cap ftw) which are also good. I'm not sure about Chain of Memories because of it's weird card battle system.
No, I never tried it (never thought of that) but I doubt it. The original Game Boy's software probably wouldn't work with color games. You can play Color games on the Advance though.
I love JRPGs. :D I always have and always will. I'm a fan of both WRPGs and JRPGs. I just like RPGs in general. :) The one thing I don't like is haters. :(
Metroid? :P It's funny how so many peoples' avatars give it away. As for me, I'm stuck between Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Metal Gear Solid 4, Grand Theft Auto IV, Super Mario Bros., and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I really can't choose though, for me...that question is impossible to answer. I've also put a lot of time into Call of Duty: World at War's Nazi Zombies but I'm not sure if that's my favorite...The World Ends With You and Final Fantasy IV are also favorites...and Chrono Trigger...bah, I can't choose!!!
Same for me. I may stop at GameStop once in a while to see what they've got, but I usually order on the internet.
I disagree. So if someone in their twenties grew up with NES, they're not retro. What I learned from this is that one can only be retro if they grew up with Pong.
The younger guys play "retro games"..People my age or older and a tad younger ARE actually original retro gamers. Thats just kind of how I see it. Its not meant as disrespect or anything. I just see it that way. I think its incredible and awesome that younger kids want to play old games. No online, bad graphics,some horrible controls at times...So im very proud of anyone that plays them..
No, he's right, your wrong. You've got your math wrong here. People in their 20s did grow up on NES. And NES is retro, no doubt about it. I'm 27 and I can remember when NES was the top dog, and when I say top dog I mean it. The closest competition, Sega Master System, was far behind. The first games I owned (other than my sister's Atari in her room), was Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt & The Legend of Zelda. And I remember all the insane hype for Super Mario Bros. 3 coming out, including that god-awful movie starring Fred Savage: The Wizard, which was basically a 2 hour hype-machine for Super Mario Bros. 3. I also remember the Sega Genesis coming out and just having to play it somehow or I was gonna explode. And wanting an SNES just as badly when it came out. I got both in like '93/'94 a few years later. If that kind of stuff isn't retro, I don't know what it. Okay, Atari, yeah, but your being pretty narrow-minded if you only consider Atari and old arcades retro.You said it, Emerald_Warrior. ;)
Not to take away from you younger guys out there...BUT in all honesty you cant be a "retro gamer" and be in your 20s. Its great if you go back and play the older games though so congrats really..you have to see where you came from before you know where you are going.
I disagree. Retro gaming is playing retro games. I started playing video games when I was four. My parents had the NES, but I played it when I was four. It came out before I was born. Does that make me a non-retro gamer?
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