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A Day in the Life

Hello all, if there's any Beatles fans in the house then you will recognize the title as one of their songs. ;) And on an important note . . . schools out for summer! I still have to do a little bit of math, but except for that I'm free. 8) Right now my legs are sore because I played ultimate Frisbee for three hours yesterday. Several of my friends from scouts have been setting up to play frisbee on several days at a few parks. It gets really intense sometimes. If a lot of people show up, then it gets crazy. My brother is the best frisbee knocker I've ever seen; he can hit the frisbee out of the air before it makes a complete pass. There was this one girl, only around twelve years old, but somehow she would block our passes. Don't know how she did it. :?

It's been a crazy week with all that has happened; Obama abandoning our ally Israel and then seeing him get schooled by Netanyahu. Then the twisters in Mississippi and the flood in Alabama which have both caused a significant amount of damage. It's crazy!

Glenn Beck

I was just watching Glenn Beck today and he was talking about College campuses and how conservatives are derided and attacked at College. He had an audience filled with conservative/libertarian college students and it was very interesting what they had to share. One lady, an African-American, was spit on by a leftist who regularly speaks at the college she attends, because her and her conservative group had set up a table at a college event talking about their beliefs. Another man was physically threatened by a Palestinian woman, due to the college canceling a flotilla to Palestine. Glenn also mentioned how he was threatened after 9/11 by a Palestinian. The guy told him to stop talking about Palestine and Muslims because they were a peaceful group and then he said that if Glenn didn't, he would chop his head off. You see the irony!!!

However, Glenn Beck gave some motivating advice that set off a light bulb in my mind. To paraphrase, he said that experiences like those above further strengthen our beliefs and arguments. He said to look at going to college as a boot camp; it trains us for what we, as conservatives will have to face further on in life. I thought that was a unique and inspiring way of looking at college. Likewise, I know I will face the same trials when I arrive at college. Though I'm pretty sure my "gift" of enjoying being "bad-mouthed" will help a lot. :P :D

Oh yes, I have gotten an iTouch 32GB 4th generation; bought it myself, yes I did. 8) I wanted one to further help me with my blogging, researching, writing, and the all important music. ;) As of this moment I have 933 songs, 5 videos, 677 photos, and 31 apps on my iTouch. If anyone has any apps you would like to recommend I would be glad if you did. :) Thanks. :D

I guess I'll be going now; I'll post some songs in a few days. Have a great week and God bless.


Food Bans and Happy Meals Exiled

Food Ban Definition:

When a national or state government, or other institution prohibits certain meals based on nutritional value. The attempt to increase healthy sustenance intake and decrease unhealthy foods.

Some might call it the Nanny State, while others might say it is big government once again regulating a part of society that it has no business in. In short, this is another situation of American citizens' rights being encroached upon by politicians and Federal officials.

Ever since Michelle Obama took up her campaign against obesity the government has been acting like food Nazis. From the fast food restaurants to the school cafeteria the Federal and state governments are further expanding their power. Fried foods, for instance, were banned from work meals by the NYC Health Department. [1] In addition to that, legislation was introduced in New York that would eliminate Happy Meals and other similar fast food staples. Fast food restaurants that offer toys with food would be required by the bill to "make sure the meals are 500 calories or less and have low fat and low sodium totals." [2] Furthermore, establishments who do not obey could be fined up to $2,500. [3] Then there is the FDA:

...many restaurant diners will soon know more about what they are eating under menu labeling requirements proposed Friday by the Food and Drug Administration. The requirements will force chain restaurants with 20 or more locations, along with bakeries, grocery stores, convenience stores and coffee chains, to clearly post the amount of calories in each item on menus, both in restaurants and drive-through lanes. The new rules will also apply to vending machines where calorie information isn't already visible on the package. The calorie counts will apply to an estimated 280,000 establishments and could be on menus by 2012. Required as part of health overhaul legislation signed into law last year, they are designed to give restaurant diners information that has long been available on packaged goods cooked at home. [4]

The government must think that people are so dense that they need to help the poor morons by regulating the food. It is not the Happy Meal's fault that one can get fat by eating it, just like it is not the gun that kills, but the individual holding the gun who does. McDonalds is not the one making everyone overweight, it is people's choices that determine whether it is healthy eating or fast food. McDonalds would be fine in moderation, but many do not seem to grasp this idea.

Along with the "calorie menu for dummies," packed lunches from home are no longer allowed in Chicago public schools. At one particular Chicago public school, Little Village Academy, the Principal has stated that it is her intention to shield students from their own bad food choices. Unfortunately, the plan has failed. Most students do not even eat the improved nutritional quality meals at Little Village, because they taste bad. The school "has seen a drop-off in meal participation among students." ". . . dozens of students took the lunch but threw most of it in the garbage uneaten." [5] However, as Bruce McQuain stats, the "bureaucratic insistence becomes a little clearer" when one "follows the money:"

Any school that bans homemade lunches also puts more money in the pockets of the district's food provider, Chartwells-Thompson. The federal government pays the district for each free or reduced-price lunch taken, and the caterer receives a set fee from the district per lunch. [6]

Here again government fails. They might have fixed one problem, but they generated a whole new one, with a dash of corruption. Instead of outlawing home-made lunches; establish healthy food courses. Teach children about healthy foods, and how to prepare nutritional meals. Also, introduce them to the word "moderation." Inform them that, in the happy medium, McDonalds and others like them are acceptable, but eating there continually, would make one the size of a big cow barn. Drug testing 11-year-olds and targeting drinking games will not establish this moderation principle in their minds.

Nevertheless, government never seems to understand that it is not their business to regulate what we eat. Also it appears that economics is not the government's strong point either as shown by Los Angeles City Council's decision to ban new fast food restaurants:

New stand-alone fast food restaurants have been banned from setting up shop in South Los Angeles, due to rising health concerns by the city council. [. . .] The Los Angeles City Council thinks South Los Angeles and South East Los Angeles need new choices as these regions face an over-concentration of such restaurants. [. . .] [The] new plan bans new so-called "stand alone" fast food restaurants opening within half a mile of existing restaurants. Such stand-alone establishments are on their own property, but those same restaurants are OK if they're a part of a strip mall, according to the new rules. [. . .] The city says around 72 percent of restaurants in South L.A. are fast food establishments, which is much higher than West L.A. and countywide averages which range in the 40s. [. . .] That might have something to do with the high unemployment and low incomes in the area. [Many] complain that 72% of the restaurants in the area are fast food compared to West LA's concentration being in the mid-40s, but the obvious explanation is that higher income areas can support higher-priced restaurants. [7]

What smart business man is going to launch an Olive Garden in an area where most of the populace will not be able to afford the food? Banning new sources of employment is probably not the best action to take when there is high unemployment. Likewise, seizing a five-year-olds Happy Meal will augment, not decrease the desire for one. Perhaps local and national administrations should remember what happened when alcohol was made illegal.

Food bans represent an infringement on the rights of the consumer. Finally, government has no right to intervene in such matters. Education rather than prohibition, should be established. In short, the Founding Fathers would never have allowed such actions to be taken by the government.

God Bless . . .



[1] "Food Police Part II: NYC Could Soon Ban 'Happy Meals'" The Blaze

[2] Ibid

[3] Ibid

[4] "Nanny State Alert #412: FDA Proposes Calorie Counts on Menus" The Blaze

[5] "Nanny Goes to the School Cafeteria" by Bruce McQuain, Questions and Observations

[6] Ibid

[7] "Banned: New Fast Food Restaurants in South L.A." The Blaze

Book Review: 7 Events That Made America America by Larry Schweikart

7 Events That Made America America by Larry Schweikart

An interesting read if I do say so myself. The author comes at this topic in a different way than one would expect. Whenever there is a book out there about events that made America it is the usual same episodes; Civil War, New Deal, etc. Schweikart looks at it in a different way; as noted in the beginning of his book . . .

Every schoolchild is taught the great turning points in American history, such as Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy assassination, and 9/11. But other, equally significant, events have altered our destiny without being understood – or even widely noticed.

Many of the incidents listed in the book I am not acquainted with, but one can see the importance of such "incidents" in America's history as a nation.

The author tends to run off on bunny trails, but aside from that the book was an excellent read. I especially enjoyed the chapter on rock 'n' roll and how it helped bring down the Soviet Union; along with the chapter on dietary nannyism.

In short, this is another book I am proud to have in my collection. A great read, filled with information, and most importantly it is interesting.

Rating: 9/10

Desire to read again: 8/10

Information level: 10/10

Recommendation level: 9/10

God bless . . .


Romans 8

Romans 8: 6-10, 13-25, 28-31, 37-39

For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. Thos who are in the flesh cannot please God.

You, however, are not in the flesh but in the spirit, if in fact the spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, although the body is death because of sin, the spirit is life because of righteousness.

For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are led b the spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the spirit of adoption as sons by whom we cry, "Abba! Father!" The spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs – heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.

For I consider that the suffering of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation has been growing together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

God bless . . .


Some of my songs

As requested, here are two songs that I wrote.

Enjoy . . .

How Can We Keep On Going

How can we keep on going

When you're not here

How can our lives be one

When you don't care

How can we keep on going

When I'm not satisfied

How can you feel loved

When I don't feel like coming home

How can we keep on going

When our feelings change

How can we keep on going

Oh please tell me

I want to continue this

But I don't know if you feel the same

How can we keep on going

Two individuals that became one flesh

But have now forgotten that sacred oath

How can we keep on going

How can we hold on

How can we keep on going

Our bond is slowly falling apart

You're crying

And I'm angry

We can't do this alone

How can we keep on going

How can it work out

How can we hold on

How can we keep on going ever night

How can we keep on going at all

How can we change so suddenly

How can we keep on going without each other

Blue Eyes

Blue eyes

Are the color of the ocean

Your blue eyes

Draw me into your arms

I feel alive when looking into your blue eyes

Time stands still and love blossoms

While gazing into your blue eyes

Blue eyes

Make me light up in the morning

Your blue eyes

Fill my heart with love

For you my beautiful

And your blue eyes

Blue eyes

Your blue eyes (my beautiful)

Blue eyes

Cheer me up at the end of the day


Your reactions should be interesting.

~EGOE :)

Osama bin Laden is dead!

Osama bin Laden was killed in a mansion located in a "densely populated" area called Abbottabad, 30 miles outside Islamabad — not in that dark, wet cave in the North West Territories where, it was often imagined, his only luxury would have been a dialysis machine plugged into a generator. No, the jihad kingpin was living a good life in what passes for civilization in Pakistan

Late Sunday evening, President Barack Obama announced that Osama bin Laden was killed a week ago by a U.S. bomb delivered manually, not by a drone, based on actionable US intelligence. DNA tests have confirmed that it's really OBL. Osama was killed in a mansion in Abbottabad, Pakistan, near Islamabad

Here are videos of proud Americans celebrating this evil man's death.

From Big Government,

Pakistani officials said a son of bin Laden and three other people were killed.

Other unidentified males were taken by helicopter away from the scene, while four children and two woman left in an ambulance, the official said.

Abbottabad resident Mohammad Haroon Rasheed said the raid happened about 1:15 a.m. local time.

"I heard a thundering sound, followed by heavy firing. Then firing suddenly stopped. Then more thundering, then a big blast," he said. "In the morning when we went out to see what happened, some helicopter wreckage was lying in an open field."

He said the house was 100 meters (yards) away from the gate of the Kakul Military Academy, an army run institution where top officers train. A Pakistan intelligence official said the property where bin Laden was staying was 3,000 square feet.

A Pakistani official in the town said fighters on the roof opened fire on the choppers as they came close to the building with rocket propelled grenades. Another official said four helicopters took off from the Ghazi air base in northwest Pakistan.

God Bless America!

Too Much Taxes and property seizures

When government starts getting too big, it begins to trample on some of the most basic rights. Thanks to progressives in both political parties and ignorant politicians government has grown substantially in this country; all the while slowly encroaching on its citizens' rights protected in the constitution. The progressive idea that government should tax more and spend more, and that the administration owns everything has become widely accepted in Congress since FDR. Big government has unconstitutionally burdened us with more taxes and has taken away our basic right to property.

What is the current number of taxes that the inhabitants of this country have to pay whether direct or indirect? The figure is an insane amount. However, in spite of the fact that our Founding Fathers revolted because of too much taxation, politicians keep on adding more and more taxes every year not even considering that sooner or later the American people will have had enough. Such taxes as death taxes and illegal drug taxes are unneeded and absurd. For instance; if one's parents die and they left several million dollars, over half of that will be taken for the "death tax." Additionally, in certain states individuals have to pay a tax on their illegal drugs, but when the tax is payed the government cannot use that information to locate and arrest the illegal drug user. Consequently, this is the ultimate sign of government corruption; taking advantage of a crime to acquire more revenue.

Furthermore, taxes, which are on the edge of pilfering, are abundant. The income and the property tax are two little demons that plague my sleep nightly. Over the years, doctrines like "redistribution of wealth" have infiltrated the government bringing high and relentless taxes. As a result of this flawed viewpoint the income tax has been readily accepted by most politicians and officials in Washington DC. The income tax is what robbery resembles when made legal. The percentage of income taxed varies, but for my family it is 20% of income or higher. For the rich individuals in our society it is probably closer to 50%.

Along with the income tax, the property tax is the tax I loathe the most. Private property is out the window with this lovely tax. There is no reason to doubt that the Founding Fathers valued and defended the right to private property, and they would have been appalled by how easy it is to lose that right. If a house is bought the mortgage and the property tax have to be payed. If the mortgage is fully payed, the tax has to still be payed. If you do not pay the tax, you could lose your house. How can American citizens practice their right to private property if they would lose their property over an unnecessary tax? As Frederick Bastiat put it, it's "legal plunder."

The larger government becomes the more it spends. The more it spends the more taxes average citizens have to pay. Progressives have been doing this to us for centuries; since FDR and Woodrow Wilson. The income tax originated from the Progressives. American citizens (especially the rich) are being taxed to death, due to the fact that many politicians consider an augmented government superior to a small one. Once the size of government is cut down, only then will the taxes be able to be cut as well.