Without spoilers, how far into the game am i....i just got bishop btw.
But i just would like to have another tank, and neeshka just doesnt do it, but i love her lock skills. Where can i find a chime?
EdgeOfThorns316's forum posts
Wow, that rig is overkill for the games in your `currently playing`list.
lol i dont get comments like this...its like saying he should order up parts from the year 2004 or something, like he said a good game is a good game. You build a PC to run current and of course past era games, thats the point of it. I mean same with me, i just buily and i7, gtx 295, gigabyte extreme mobo, 6gb of 1600, vista 64....and im playing new and older games, and games like Neverwinter Nights and Kings Bounty. Im not gonna build a crap computer just because i may not be maxing out crysis every single night like i can. Enjoy your pc man, i just built mine and its incredible. I'm actually kind of glad I'm not playing the latest 'greatest' games because then I';d have to drop another wad of cash on a non-stock cooler (granted it'll happen, but not right now). Oh, and even if you are playing Neverwinter...It looks damn good doesn't it? lol. I actually need to pick up another copy of Neverwinter 2... Heck yea, nwn2 looks incredible i think. What some of these dudes fail to realize is not everyone is caught up on their games. I own all my consoles too and been out of the pc loop since 04ish, and just last week built a new machine. Its like i hate when people take some pompous attitude like if you dont play the latest and greatest you are wasting your pc...but its like who are they to decide what and what isnt worthy lol you know? For me i love rpgs, so many ive missed in the years so its catch up time while playing games like Crysis and other top notch looking games.lol i dont get comments like this...its like saying he should order up parts from the year 2004 or something, like he said a good game is a good game. You build a PC to run current and of course past era games, thats the point of it. I mean same with me, i just buily and i7, gtx 295, gigabyte extreme mobo, 6gb of 1600, vista 64....and im playing new and older games, and games like Neverwinter Nights and Kings Bounty. Im not gonna build a crap computer just because i may not be maxing out crysis every single night like i can. Enjoy your pc man, i just built mine and its incredible.Wow, that rig is overkill for the games in your `currently playing`list.
The game is freakin awesome, gorgeous graphics and environments, music, amazing depth, .... i just have a few rpgs going on now before i sink into it. But this game is an absolute gem.
Would clicking the xp service pack 2 option work do you think? Id try it now but cant atm...but im just curious.
Or is there something similar to that of dosbox, that runs perhaps window games like Heroes.
Whats interesting is that i installed Icewind Dale on my system no problems and it fired right up, i just assumed this would too but then again i cant remember when Heroes IV was actually out, its been awhile.
If you're getting a bluescreen that means that you have a problem with your hardware , not your software.dannenissan2Well, the software didnt recognize my ram, its like "this game requires 128mb of ram, you have 6gb - fail" lol and it listed compatible win versions and vista wasnt in its list of versions. Its not my hardware, i just got done running crysis maxed :p
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