You have no idea how it felt to accomplish this!
You have no idea how it felt to accomplish this!
Check it out, and let us know what you think!
Think of this as a taste of what's to come.
Didn't do a whole lot of gaming today either (was busy planning/filming the "secret project" that I'm working on), but I did get my copy of Mega Man 2 for NES in the mail today from Amazon Marketplace. Perfect timing to close out the end of Retro Revival Week, huh?
I got past all of the beginning 8 stages of the game and to the first Wily level boss right as the clock struck midnight, and it was time to report in.
Not the best of pics, I know, but was the best I could get before I got killed or something.
I think this was a pretty damn fun retro week. I know I'm probably like the lone survivor of still playing these old games throughout the entire week but I think it was successful for me. Perhaps next time people will show more interest in it (if we do it again and advertise it again), and we can have fun checking out each others profiles.
I had a lot of fun playing these games and making these posts, and hopefully you enjoyed reading/looking at them as well.
Until we meet again,
Not a whole lot to report today, since I didn't do a whole lot of gaming. Nothing much different than I played the days before, and all that. I started the day off with the McDonald's Artery Clogging Dollar Menu. Two double cheeseburger (might as well call them normal hamburgers since the burgers themselves are super thin) and a small fries:
Look at that greasy mess. I'm glad someone's happy, because my body is probably crying after that meal, haha. Still, it tasted good at least. Later on after my nutrition award winning meal, I checked the mail, and I recieved my NES copy of Super Mario Bros. 3 that I bought off Amazon Marketplace! Woot!
I popped that sucker in and played until World 6 and shut it off. I would've finished the game, had I not been exhausted. Exhausted just after the mail came you say? That's a bit early? Well, My mail didn't come until 4 or 5pm (crazy huh?), and I had only slept about 4 hours the previous night because I woke up with extreme heartburn (damn you acid reflux) and a slight stomach ache (damn you unhealthy foods!). So yea, I had managed to stay up till about 7pm, which was about 12 hours on 4 hours of sleep. Not bad.
Anyway, that's all I really have to report to you guys today, because that's literally all that I played the entire day. Most of the earlier hours were taken up planning a "secret project". No, it's not that secret project that you've been hearing about in others videos/blogs such as jimb0 and CRichard2005. Keep an eye out, you never know when it might pop up.
We're into the final stretch of Retro Revival Week, and I haven't yet broken the non-retro games thing again since I did the other day to show my friend some games. So, if you don't count me showing those things to my friend for a short time, I sorta didn't break the rule at all. It's changed now, yeah, but still... been retro gaming exclusively, and it's been a blast. Hopefully my other game comes in the mail tomorrow so I can play it on the last day of the week, for a nice wrap-up.
Look out for tomorrow's post,
For day 5, I played most of my games in the AM hours, before bed, which is oddly when I get the urge to play games most of the time. I started off with a little Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! My goal is to be able to finish the game without losing a single match, but the dude that keeps taking me down is...
...Mr. Sandman. He's like... Bald Bull on crack. I can't seem to find any of his weaknesses to collect stars, so I'm trying to take him out straight up and it's a pain because it seems Mr. Sandman can K.O. you faster than the other boxers (less knockdowns before you are unable to get yourself back up). I managed to get him I think 1 knockdown away from a TKO, when he became like.. Super Cheap Man and took me down a couple times right in a row and knocked me out. Grrr... I'll work on him some more during Day 6. I've beaten him before, like I said, I just need to do it again. Don't give me any help either, please. Then after that I decided to play some...
...Adventure Island. This game is quite hard, actually. It only takes one hit to kill you unless you're on the special skateboard power-up (which garners you a free hit that also removes the skateboard), and there are a lot of dangers. Farthest I've gotten is like the end of world 2 or whatever. Pretty frustrating, but I have confidence that I'll beat this game some day. After this I played...
...Little Nemo: The Dream Master. I've beaten it before a couple of times, as you may or may not have known, so my goal this time was trying to take on the nearly impossible task of beating the game without losing a single life (the game is quite challenging). I got to level 5 and... cheaply died as I would say. The game went off after that due to me failing my mission.
Other than this, I only played a small amount of Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! later on in the day.
Keep a look out for day 6,
Didn't do a whole lot of gaming today, and all of the gaming I did was retro. I played some Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! as shown below:
Played until the first time I got knocked out, which was by Mr. Sandman. He's a tough cookie, because I've yet to find any of his weak points to get the star punches from. I've beaten him before, but I don't believe I've ever found his weaknesses. Please do not tell me, I wish to figure it out on my own. After that I played some Super Mario Bros.
I was doing quite well. I hadn't died whatsoever the entire game, collecting all the coins I found and I had about 13-14 lives. Then, I made my first fault in level 6-4. I believe how I died was I somehow got turned little (probably by the spinning fire traps), and I ran into one of Bowser's hammers. That discouraged me, so I was about ready to give up... then I decided to see if I could speed run through the level as little Mario. 13-14 deaths later, I found out that you couldn't (or at least I wasn't able to).... oh well.
Well, that's all the gaming I did for Day 4. Bit short, but what can you do. Didn't really feel much like playing games during this day. I didn't go quite as in depth with pictures and such this time, because it is really annoying to try and take pictures while you're playing a game, especially in a game where hitting start causes a menu to go up, or it doesn't pause the game at all (like Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!).
My next goal before the end of the week will be to beat Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! without losing a single match. Who know's if I'll be able to do it, but I'll give it a shot.
Come back tomorrow for my day 5 update.
Sorry guys. Before Retro Revival Week started, I was a week or two streak of playing only NES games, so when Retro Revival Week came, I was feeling a little bit of burnout on the stuff for the time being. I accomplished what I wanted: Beating The Legend of Zelda, but that's where my excitement began to dwindle.
So, earlier tonight, I was engaging in a webcam session over MSN with a friend and... well, turns out I landed off filming myself for him playing Oblivion, Far Cry, and World of Warcraft, three games he had never seen. I couldn't resist playing these games, since I had been doing my retro thing for a couple weeks already, and some of these modern games were calling me. I've also had this hankering to play some Guitar Hero, but I've yet to do that at the time of this posting.
So what does this mean? Well, Retro time is over for me. Not that I won't continue to play my retro games, but I think this calls for a revision of the Retro Revival Week rules, and I know jimb0 and TheWesker agree with me on this decision so I'll put it out there for you all. This will probably (and hopefully) also make more people want to join in the fun too.
The idea for the revision of Retro Revival Week is... you have to play at least one retro game every day, but you are not limited to EXCLUSIVELY retro games. It can become very hard to keep satisfied with playing only a certain era of games when you have all of the eras available to you. So, I'll state the official rule change here, Retro Revival Week is no longer a week of EXCLUSIVE retro gaming, but a week in where we celebrate the greatness of retro games by playing them all week long.
I've also decided to put a little less work into the updates because posting those photo journals took a long time, and it can be a pain to try and get into a game when you constantly are grabbing the camera to take a shot (which may or may not get me killed in the game).
The new rules are in effect as of today, and follow through in the rest of this current Retro Revival Week that is in effect.
Enjoy your retro gaming and have a good week,
I'll let the video do the talking.
So, day two is upon us. I was up all night as I usually have been lately, yawning, tired as a rock... going into my bedroom to sleep at about 7am (yeah, crazy isn't it?), when The Legend of Zelda (NES) started taunting me. It was bugging me that earlier I couldn't beat dungeon 6, so I was like "You know what game? You're going down!" So I grabbed the game and prepared to do battle...
No other pictures of this little session were taken, due to me trying to deeply concentrate, but I did take this picture for you guys about an hour later when I finally did complete the dungeon:
Since the dungeon 6 trouble, I've made it my goal for the week to finish this game and end that thought in the back of my mind that says "What, you suck? You can't beat Zelda 1? You love Zelda games, yet you haven't beaten this?" After beating dungeon 6, I promptly hit the sheets and snoozed away until late afternoon. It was nearing dinner time, but I thought that it'd be enough time to get in some...
Oh yeah, who can ever forget THIS gem of a game here? I don't have the original NES cartridge, but I do have a Game Boy Player for my Gamecube, which is the next best thing, surely. What's this???
Is that a.......wireless controller?!?!?! That it is. It's pretty good, but not quite as nice as the actual NES (or even SNES) controller that the games were intended for. Still, nice not to have to worry about a wire. The batteries in this very Wavebird have lasted me for quite a long time... the same ones since I bought it. Hopefully the Wii's controllers hold the battery charges for this long too. So, off to Super Mario Bros. 3. What's this, the sun is angry? Eeeeek!
A few deaths later, I managed to get a picture of me killing the sun..... with a turtle shell...... and.... it's still bright outside? O_o....
Sometimes during the summer I'd like to do this, because it's so damn bright and it pisses me off. Then something weird happened... I realized the key to getting to heaven was to take a turtle, kick him into a golden brick, and climb the vine that comes out of it all the way up to the clouds. Pretty sweet. Someone call CNN!
A little bit later, I hopped onto a ship and dodged bullets, Matrix style...
...and saved the world before dinner time.
So, after dinner (yum, sesame chicken), and a little bit of computer time, I decided to head back to The Legend of Zelda, and find and take on dungeon 7. The only clue that I have to where it is, was in dungeon 6 and it said "There's a secret where faeries don't hide." Okay... uh.... well... let's get going then....
Well, here's a faerie... not hiding... but I don't see any secrets. The bushes don't burn, the walls don't bomb... gee thanks Nintendo for this lovely clue. Time to keep exploring I guess.
Oh, lookie here.. burning random bushes lead me to dungeon 8.... too bad I need dungeon 7, sigh.
So then I thought "hey, maybe I should read that clue again, since I was tired last night and probably read it wrong or something"...
Yeah, I knew it. Where did I get that other BS clue from? Anyway, it's where they DON'T LIVE... so I guess the only other option is something to do with the pond next to that one that doesn't have a faerie in it, but some random dude just walking around that I always kill when I go in there. Hmmm... bushes don't burn, walls don't bomb. What now? Hmmm *fiddles around in his inventory*. Uh, maybe the flute does something? Wow, that actually worked...
Ok finally, dungeon 7 has been found... argh. Time to venture in! Okay now, what the heck kind of clue is this?
Venturing further in, I come across a room where you typically meet the wisemen, but it has grumbling enemy in the middle and the fire is attacking me. Meep! Luckily, while I was searching so very long to find dungeon 7, I found random things such as a letter that I gave to a lady to buy a red potion in a bottle, and in a shop I found what looks like a big piece of meat.... which up until now I had no clue what use this item had. For the heck of it, I pulled it out and... voila, the enemy disappeared and let me pass. So I guess the moral of this story is: "When in doubt, pull your meat out."
So anyway, more exploring ensued, including getting lost and bombing random walls for a while... until I found the correct wall to bomb to continue my progress! Yay!
Cool, that got me the red candle. No more having to leave the room every time I use the blue candle once.... and it also seems to work as a pretty decent weapon. But now what do I do? Well, eventually I figured out to bomb the wall in the staircase down to get the candle to proceed. So I'm about to walk into the room with the boss, I can hear him roaring. Lord, I hope he's not real tough....yikes... here goes....'s the boss from the first dungeon? Ha. How anticlimactic. Well, I guess for all the trouble of finding and beating this dungeon (it took me around 3 hours incase you wanted to know), it's sort of a consolation prize. I easily took him down, and collected my triforce piece. Woot! Then my camera's internal memory became full (this is my parent's camera that doesn't have a memory card for whatever reason because one was never bought). So, that concludes my gaming for Retro Revival Week Day Two, and look forward to my next entry.
Well, this wasn't the first game of the day. TheWesker and I engaged in a video chat last night for quite some time showing off what each of us were playing at the time, including a hefty dose of nonsense and hilarity. During this period which I didn't take any pictures, I played Mega Man 1 and 2, Little Nemo: The Dream Master, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!, The Legend of Zelda (NES), Double Dragon II: The Revenge, Super Mario Bros 1 and 3, and Battletoads.
Later, after a nap from being up all night, I began taking pictures of what I was playing.
The first filmed game of the day, The Legend of Zelda:
I hate these things, don't you?
Here we are, dungeon 6... goody!
And here's me, dead, in dungeon 6...
...and expressing my anger a dozen or so deaths later...
That's enough of that irritation, so let's go to Mega Man 1.... oh crap, that game's probably more irritation...
Muahaha, first boss down. Eat it, Bombman!
Here I am posing for a shot of a rock flying at my face.
Oh dear lord, not Elecman's stage. I hate it so much...
...but not quite as much as I hate Iceman's stage. Oh, spare me...
It's just you and me Wily! You're going down! I won't let you defeat me again this time!
Yeah, so... about that...
I let T-Hawk give me a little beating while I take a shot.
There he is after I beat him down..
..and Dhalsim will get no different from me!
...and that's where my camera's internal memory ran out. Bummer...
For day two, I'll remember to be a little more careful with how many pictures I take of each game so I can show you guys more games. Rest assured I'm getting my retro on, though!
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