UI- lol... what part of NEARLY do you not understand? the word "nearly" is define as "with close approximation: a nearly perfect likeness." or "with close agreement or resemblance: a plan nearly like our own"
last time i checked, something that is completely different from something else.... isnt NEARLY the same....
combat- different from wow... plain and simple. wow has no chain skills, has different casting mechanics, and has no DP skills, has no movement passive bonuses.... its different... not NEARLY the same, as you seem to want to say. and wow... 1 hour for 1K DP? your char must suck, it takes like maybe 20 minutes of killing quest mobs to get 4K DP on a sorc.
UI- soooooooo, you are saying the UI is the same because wow describes in quest text where a quest is.... and Aion actually has a visual indicator on the map along with telling you exactly where to go, as well as completely different presentations for the maps, character portraits, and minimap? wut? anyone else see how idiotic this is?
quests- sooooo.... you are saying that the questing system is the same because they both have quests? because last time i checked, again, there is a SINGLE cutscene in all of wow, and no real "storyline" quests that drive the entire game (they have story questlines for the instances, i realize that, but it isnt the same as aion campaign quests) while aion has a cutscene for every single campaign quest, and the campaign quests drive the main storyline of the game in a very similar way to how guildwars had main storyline quests. very different indeed. not to mention the quests that have you facing off against mobs AND players all within one quest.... where are there quests in wow that ask you to kill other players?
you might as well just come out and say.... OMFG IM SUCH A NERDRAGING TROLL THEY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME GAME BECAUSE THEY ARE BOTH MMOS SO THEY ARE THE SAME OMG THEY ARE MMOS SO THAT MAKES THEM THE SAME THING.... because that is what im hearing. almost everything in aion is done in a different and new way then WOW did it. i can argue this all day, because i have the facts, and you have.... well.... troll comments.
these days, any game that has quests in it is instantly called a wow clone, even if it does just about everything differently. people are so rediculous.
Words...can't describe the fail I see in your posts (and I mean all of your posts when WoW or Aion get brought up). Seriously, reading comprehension can really help you in life...maybe you should figure that out.
(And just so you know...your 'facts' are the result of blinded fanboyism. Which, when you get right down to it, aren't 'facts' at all)
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