hmmm...what a dilemma. this is what happens when there are no free trials. one last question Ein, if you dont mind: which has the smoother learning curve?Kh1ndjal
That's a tough one, to be perfectly honest. For me, Aion had the steeper learning curve due to the fragility of your character (if I had more than one mob on my caster character [wizard], I was hosed...raise that value by one for my priest [who, by all accounts, is more akin to the D&D cleric than a WoW priest]). In Champions, your second power will typically be an attack that will affect multiple (usually 5) targets. Additionally, you can definitely tell that Champs was influenced (at least a little) by action games: when you kill a mob in Champions, their bodies will usually create little orbs that will buff/heal/energize your character.
However, all that being said, the learning curve on Aion is conditional upon one thing: familiarity with other fantasy MMOs of the EQ-type (EQ, EQ2, WoW, Warhammer, etc...). If you have played ANY of those games, Aion will feel VERY familiar, and most of the learning curve will have been straightened. The only twist is the combo, or 'chain', attacks. This is basically the combo system from Guild if you are at least familiar with that game, you will be able to function just fine in Aion.
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