I think FFIV's got some good voice acting. And even if I didn't think it was good, I'd still be safe in the knowledge that it would be no where near as bad as the cringe-worthy FFX-2
El_Jarvo's forum posts
My DS does the exact same thing.
I originally had a white DS lite but returned it because of a dead pixel and got a black one instead. then realised there was something wrong with the corner of the touch screen but couldn't be bothered going back again.
It doesn't really affect the touch screen, but it is distracting knowing that it's there.
Those graphics actually look pretty good.
And as for the gameplay, how can you complain about Sonic having a sword now when "most of the time you can slice through any who stand in your path without even slowing down"?
And the fact that playing as other charaters is optional? Looks like Sega have actually paid attention!
I thought the Werehog levels looked pretty cool. The important thing is that it doesn't look anywhere near as bad as Sonic '06.
I don't think I like the sound of that...
Reggie said they had one more thing to show at the end. Then, after creating a dramatic atmosphere they announced Wii Music.
Personally, I came out with a burst of "wtf"s and "ffs"s after getting excited thinking they were about to reveal something truly epic like Zelda or a new Kid Icarus...
I don't know why Nintendo think fooling people into thinking you're having an epileptic fit is cool, what with the way Wii Music seems to make you look like you're having one.
I was really hoping for something other than Animal Crossing. What happened to the game all gamers will want this holiday? If that was meant to be Animal Crossing there is something seriously wrong at Nintendo HQ.
Wii Sports 2 looks neat though, and GTA DS is a plus. They were just about the highlights of the show.
Wishful thinking - Smash Bros DS. Not likely to happen, but a guy can dream.
My girlfriend would love a new Kid Icarus to be announced (she loves using Pit on Brawl) but I think everbody would be pretty fond of that.
Some new Wii hardware that is actually useful such as a Mic or a Hard-Drive would catch my attention more than a gimmicky new peripheral.
And finally a new IP. Or if else fails, a new Zelda. Either way, I'll be happy :)
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