You do realise Sony sells more than just consoles right? Seriously why do we have so many morons on the web :(!!congrats on  going from 70% to 30% market share.
Elite-Realist's forum posts
I think its abit of an insult showing none related Sony/PS4 stuff at a Sony/PS4 meeting.
To whom?
It's obvious wakefulness doesn't know anything - Thread is an Epic fail!!I think its abit of an insult showing none related Sony/PS4 stuff at a Sony/PS4 meeting.
You Sir or Madam deserve a massive troll award.I guess when you are a near bankrupt company, releasing your flagship title on obsolete hardware is the only play you have :?
Sad times indeed for $ony. RIP.
I am with you on can't class the wii, as that was aimed at casual gamers for its gimmicky controls, and ps3 came out a year after the 360 came out and o look it's only just a couple million behind the sales now so there doing ok.
ps2 won because of the sheer amount of games it had and o yea xbox didn't come out for a good while and of course it would be better, it came out later.Â
of course it's not about specs but it helps, if the xbox came out at the same time as the ps2 then the xbox probably would of won in the end, ps3 has closed the gap even with them having a year head start, that must show something, and in my eyes the orginal ps3 was made alot better and the quality was alot better than the xbox 360 cheap taccy looking block, and blu ray was always going to win.
how you have got sony failing is beyond me were in a recession, there selling buildings off to have some extra money in the bank sony sell tv's, hi-fi's, and what ever else i can't think of, how are they failing when there only just behind microsoft on console sales, and o yea they INVENTED blu ray, so every blu ray sold they earn money so look when microsoft unvail there machine and it has a blu ray drive you crawl to your corner and remember each 720 sold sony gets profit. hhmmmmmm
I seriously won't minding playing Arma on the playstationI have a feeling DayZ may be on the PS4. When they showed the online profile in the announcement the PSN name was DayZ100 and the list of developers shown also features Bohemia Interactive, makers of the Arma series. Whether or not the developers of DayZ come under Bohemia i don't know since the game's a mod. Obviously it could just be coincidence and i'm jumping to conclusions but it seems so weird to so obviously use the name of a game in a presentation, why not completely make something generic up?
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