@shafe-man @Emerald_Scott Thanks for the info. I managed to enjoy the Mass Effect series when it came on the PS3 and without having played the first instalment. I still loved the series although there were times when I wished I had played the first game. If what you say is true then I'll buy this game with no worries.
I just wish they would port The Witcher 2 to PS3. I mean, why not? They did it with the Xbox. I'm sad that up to now they've given us no news on this.
@orangepeel1972 Yes, but I admit that it's not looking as good as other next-gen games right now. But maybe it's just the level, which is dark and isn't showing a vibrant array of colours unlike in Killzone: Shadow Fall. The colours really enhance the look of the game.
Also, not all games will be on the same level graphically. For example, Dishonored and Far Cry 3 are not on the same level; Fallout 3 and MGS4 aren't either.
I generally see the apprehension people have towards changes made in their beloved franchises, but what folks need to understand is that things need to evolve for better or worse. This might also mean making mistakes along the way, from which they can learn what to do and what not to next time. If you want to relive previous nostalgic moments, well, the games of the past are always there for you to play through again.
Be glad that there's a new Thief game than nothing. And if it doesn't please you, it will someone else. You can't please everyone in this world.
@DigiRave @Emerald_Scott I've read a lot on history and you too have made an assumption on me yet you don't even know me or where I live or how I live. And I didn't say that "everyone reacts the same way" -- please don't put words in my mouth. I said "many others" and that can be 100, 1000 or even a million people -- that's still not "everyone."
Also, do you need to have gone through the Holocaust to know that what the Nazis did to the Jews was beyond horrible? That they did something that shattered the lives of many others?
Oh and you don't need to go through the same experience as someone else in order to feel empathy. Empathy is also characterised as imagining what someone else feels -- putting yourself in their shoes.
Again, you misunderstand me, did I talk like I have first-hand knowledge or experience? Do I need to go to war to feel that it tears people apart and must be filled with sadness and pain? Again, like I said, this is my "impression" of it; besides, it's true anyway.
Lastly, I still don't believe MGS takes it lightly as compared to other games. Yes, its fiction, but as we'll get to see in this game, I think they'll do a good job of depicting the effects of war. That's just my opinion, which you don't have to agree with. Oh and what you said was akin to saying that all these works of fiction that depict some form of suffering have no effect on people because they're not real. Maybe that's not what you meant, but that's the impression I got.
If you're going to lecture me, do it right and make a point of not misunderstanding me first.
Emerald_Scott's comments