Was a nice read up until I reached the part about the season pass. But I won't make a fuss -- I'm done bitching about early DLC and season passes. Best thing to do is just be patient for a price drop or for the GotY edition. Those who prefer to keep buying games at release; in addition to season passes, well, keep doing that, I don't mind.
@PrpleTrtleBuBum @Emerald_Scott @ryancyc Glad to see someone else who agrees. You know, I had never seen it that way before. Without these villains, Batman would no longer serve any purpose. He doesn't have a normal life, so he has to keep being Batman and I guess there's satisfaction -- and like you say, empowerment -- to be found when everyone looks up to you as their hero. I suppose that's also why he's arrogant.
Arkham City was great gameplay-wise but I felt it was lacking story-wise. They had put way too many villains to actually flesh any of them out. The only "wow moment" for me was the Joker's death and it was a funny death, excuse the pun.
All the same, kudos to them for trying that out and delivery fan service. I hope Origins' story will only focus on a few villains and properly flesh them out.
But that's what I was complaining about -- that everything is black and white. Good guys are good and bad guys are bad. It's not that I want good guys to just mindlessly kill the bad ones. What I like to see is that moral choice presented and how far we would be willing to go to save, protect or stop someone.
I mean, in the real world, cops shoot down bad guys if they have to. That doesn't mean they've stooped to their level. They are just doing what has to be done and I would like to see games test our morals and consciences, and how much we can take.
However, that's basically saying that most games should be RPGs, which would be asking too much, I suppose.
@se007 @Emerald_Scott No, actually I do because I already knew that. But do you get my perspective as well? My quarrel is with the black and white point of view. I'm not asking for Batman to go on a killing spree. I was just wondering if the game could present moral choices. Say, killing someone to save a thousand or saving someone who actually goes on to kill people.
The thing is, the game doesn't really make you feel like Batman. Okay, I'll just speak for myself here. Just imagine yourself as a Batman in our world -- think you wouldn't be tempted to take a life in order to save others if it had to come to that?
Anyway, that's what RPGs are for, so my argument doesn't really apply here, I guess.
@ryancyc @Emerald_Scott I know, man, but that's the one thing I've always kinda hated about Batman. I mean, Superman, I can understand, but the Batman Universe is meant to be dark. Batman deals with serious criminals, not typical bad guys. And his moral code is his fundamental flaw -- the fact that he spares his adversaries means that they go on to commit more crime and kill people.
I know that that idealistic sense of justice is there for a reason -- I mean, you can't have little kids watch Batman kill someone. But still, I feel like the story should evolve. I loved the greyness and moral choices presented in the Dark Knight Trilogy at least.
I feel like the devs should take that risk or else it'll ultimately end up just being another "good vs. evil" and "good wins at the end" story. I wanna be presented with tough moral choices where killing bad guys or not saving them if they're in danger leads to various consequences.
But I know, I know -- never gonna happen. And if I want such a game, I should go play Fallout. Still, I wanted to express my sentiments in case there's anyone out there who feels the same way.
I hope this game will have RPG elements. She talked of a reputation system. I hope a karma system will come into play. I just wanna kill those thugs with guns -- they pissed me off soooo much in the last two games! I hope they'll give us the option to kill people and do bad things. I mean, the game is set before he became a hero, so why not?
These guys were supposed to release a statement addressing various concerns raised by gamers. I know it's less than a week now to E3 but I think that's what they should do.
@heguain @Emerald_Scott Well, I am interested in it no matter what. You have to admit, you've got to be apprehensive about video game film adaptations. Let's wait for more news before forming solid opinions on it. I hope it does well, and like I said in one of my posts above, it does seem like it could be a successful feature film.
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