@ @bahamut1283 Lol, you totally owned that dude! XD I'm usually the type to reason with people but I guess I should grow some balls of steel and stick to my guns.
@Warful @rara2007123 The day they make even just eye contact with EA, it's over. Look what happened to Microsoft, lol. We have to make sure that EA and those studios are very far from each other during E3. XD
@WingChopMasta And it's people like you, who call other retards for having an opinion different from your own, who are the real ignorant people. Yeah, I haven't got much of a clue how a game is developed from start to end, but does that mean I should be happy with everything they do? Oh, and did Naughty Dog invite you to watch the whole development of the game? My guess is no.
If this were a standard industry practice then how come not every developer is doing it? My personal opinion is that it feels like exploitation a bit. Not stating a fact. Just stating my opinion here. You can't tell me that this tiny DLC pack couldn't have been developed in time before the completion.
Anyway, I won't bother trying to make my point when I know you'll likely just throw an another insult again.
Emerald_Scott's comments