@crymore_noob Just because someone's PC can run 1440p doesn't mean you can. Your PC can't run 1440p. You don't even have a 4k monitor. Stop lying to yourself.
I liked that this edition of feedbackula was more of a discussion on a controversial topic, and less where Johnny reads negative comments from the user, and then proceeds to say negative comments himself.
The best business decision they could make would be to make a new handheld that has an HDMI port on it. Make it about as powerful as a 3ds but with 720p resolution so it can upscale to a TV and look okay. Charge $200 and you are golden. No need for a home console if you can just plug in your handheld.
The WiiU is technically more powerful than last gen hardware, but it generally looks about the same. To say it has better graphics than a XBOX one or a PS4 is hogwash.
EmericaCky2K's comments