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EmilioDigsIt Blog

Twosday Blog

I downloaded... that game off the VC... I can't remember... Lords of Thunder?
I played it for 5 mins cos I had things to do, but it was pretty wild.

Been playing Eternal Darkness some more, trying to get some Achievements on Halo 3, been trying to do good in Cromehounds but I keep getting stomped on. And those tall and skinny 200000 rocket launcher guys totally piss me off cos that's so cheap.

Almost done with Phoenix Wright... ALMOST... yow. Been watching some movies... but that's it.

REAL New Blog!

Allright, sooo... I was going to watch the Gologo 13 : Kowloon Assignment movie starring Sonny Chiba, but it was replaced with The Tenant starring Roman Polanski. Man, Roman Polanski's films always slap me in the face because I want to make movies too. They're just so so nice.

I also have THX 1138, The Ninth Gate, Mean Streets, and Gangs of New York ( I have seen all these before, just stole them from my friend so I can watch them again ).

Hanyhoo I've been playing nothing but Astro Boy - GBA, Call of Duty 4 - 360, Magical Starsign - DS, and I continue to play Dynasty Warriors 4 Hyper on PC. Still waiting for Brawl and I've been wanting to get No More Heroes... but I've spent all my cash on food and going to the movies. :(

I had a blast watching No Country for Old Men, There Will Be Blood, and Michael Clayton. They are all unique in their own way and oh sooo good. Really good.

Maaan.... I'll be waiting for them DVDs to come...

And maaaan I wish I could make movies. :cry:

I had to edit to add this:
Right click and view image or something cos its kinda big.

What I got for Xmas

1. 2008 Cadillac CTS in GunMetal Black with a modified tractor beam
2. a 1977 Gibson SG customized with five pick ups, two wammy bars, and six button configuration with three switches
3. a Triple-Stack Fender Twin Reverb squeezing out 310W of pure Death Metal
4. a 60" LCD HDTV with HD reciever and a Hybrid Blu-Ray/HD DVD/VHS player
5. An Xbox360 120GB Elite, a PlayStation3 60GB model, and a tricked out Turbo-Grafx 16 with custom decals
6. a brand new computer with a 4.6 Jigahertz oct-core processor, 27" display, surround sound and 2 TB hard drive
7. Pokeeman Super Christmas Hits CD
8. 23 DVDs
9. a big lot of 2000+ video games from ebay
10. $30 from grandma

As you can see, I got everything I wanted this Christmas. No, I won't be sharing anything with you guys, and no you can't come over to see the stuff I got. Also, I got some Wii points, a Sonny Chiba 6 movie pack ( Because who doesnt love Shinichi Chiba? ), Blade Runner 5 disc collectors edition ( because I tricked Francis into buying it for me ), and a waste of money Sega Dreamcast which is supposed to be co-paid by a friend of mine ( I'M LOOKING AT YOU DEXTER! I'LL GET YO DUMB ASS! ), and Legend of the Mystical Ninja on the Virtual Console.

Pretty coo, amirite? No? :(

New Blog. 4 reeliez Edition.

Ok, so... Allright, so I forgot what I was going to type again.




NO, WAIT. Right!!! I got a Sega Dreamcast off ebay with 9 games. Games are ok, mostly sports titles, but it did come House of the Dead 2 and Quake III Arena, two controllers, two VMUs, two guns, and what seems to be a broken fishing rod controller. Whatever.
One of the guns is wonky, and I have to keep them at a friend's place because I have an LCD TV. Major Bummerage reporting for duty, SIR!

He brought his Nintendo64 over my place and left it here because I also bought NBA Hangtime for the N64. It is basically a two on two B-ball game on crack. I have a 64, but no controllers, sooooo there are TWO Nintendo64s here! WOWEE!! Yip.

Wii. He also left Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles here. We've beat it at his place, but I'm playing it again for funsies. I'm also done with Mario Galaxy's Purple Coin challenges with Mario. I beat Kirby's Adventure on the Virtual Console, and finnaly beat Twilight Princess after having it since launch. Currently have Legend of the Mystical Ninja on the VC and a couple GameCube games that need to be played. Le Sigh...

The Xbox360 is dead. Yessir, Dead. 1-2-3, DEAD.

No more Call of Duty 4. :( Double Le Sigh.

DS News on Channel 3. AAAAaaaalmost done with Phoenix Wright. Almost. Jump Ultimate Stars also got some play time, which is good. Was also playing a bit of Ultimate Muscle for the GBA ( cos I'm a big Ultimate Muscle fan ).

My other friend left his cell phone and acoustic guitar here. The guitar is frikkin-fantastic. Way better than the other one he's been letting me borrow for months.
Jeez, why did I write so much??? BAAAAAH.
He asked what I wanted for Christmas. I didn't care, but I pitched in the idea for the Blade Runner Super Awesome Collector's Limited Edition Final Cut Enhanced THX Fantabulous for Geeks Only Edition-Edition. It should be here on Friday.

I asked what he waned, and he said he'd be cool with a jacket, so I gave him one of my most favoritest, most greats jackets I have ever owned. Its such a good jacket.

Okay, I'm done bye.

Entered Pin Up Comp

... But didnt win. Doesnt matter, I still got a prize! The Kingdom of Heaven directors cut DVD. Yeah it is pretty awesome.

Fixed up my room and it look alot nicer. Put up my Alex Ross JLA and G. Love posters. Organized some DVDs and games. Life is good. Yop... Well not much is new besides that... soooooo..... yeaaaah...

Metroid Prime 3 FV

Ok, I've had MP3 since it came out, but I'm needed some Friend Vochures. I was expecting my friend to play my copy and send me some, but he didnt play it at all so I took the game back.

Would anyone like to trade?

New New New Post

I went to L.A. Last week... or two weeks ago. I don't know, I suck at time.

But anyhoo, I obtained a level 3 haircut so I don't look like a bum anymore.
I also got to visit my big bro, and my oldest bro's's kids AKA my nieces. Nieces? I can't spell either. :(
Sucks to your Asmar.

Anyways, I also stayed at my cousin's MANSION... AKA her small house, and we played some Wii ( cos I brought it over ) and yadda yadda I borrowed some of her games. No, I did not steal them. How can I be telling the truth? Because I let her borrow some of my DS games. I got from her: Wario Ware, Inc., Midway Arcade Trasures ( which was originaly mine, but I traded her that for SNK vs Capcom 2 ), Star Fox Adventures, Lego Star Wars II, Soul Calibur II, 007 Nightfire, Super Monkey Ball 2, and Super Smash Bros. Melee. I used to own some of these games, but I was a dumb-dumb and sold them to my old next door neighbour a long time ago.

So yessir, I've been playing lotsa GameCube on my Wii. My copy of Eternal Darnkess also came in the when I got back, but I only played a few minutes of it.

I bought COMPONENT cables!! HA HA! Now I can get that super clean picture I've always wanted. Life is great with component. Thank you Shaq!

I let my friend borrow Metroid Prime 3, but he has yet to play it, so I took it back... No soup for him.

I have not purchased DVDs in a while. I WOULD have gotten Grindhouse, but apparently the Weinsteins think its cool to split them up into two films. Uhh, no thanks.

I saw 3:10 to Yuma in theatres. Super Duper Awesome film. I give it 9.5 out of 10 going by GameSpot scoring. The day before I saw 3:10, a bud and I saw Balls of Fury, only because we're "Cheeseburger Eddy" fans.

That's pretty much it. How you doin'?

New Post - New Movies

Allright, so for all two of you that read my dumb blog, I just bought the "Films of Alejandro Jodorowsky" box set thing. 48 frikkin bucks total... I could have gotten it for 30 bucks or something on Amazon, but it was already too late :(

Jodorowsky is a super weird ass Director/Writer/Actor. I'm 100% sure that he has a foot fetish from watching two of the four films. I also know he loves to make the funky. He likes to carry things, and he likes deformitie.

His first movie I watched was "El Topo". That sucker blew me away. It mixed Japanese Samurai movie, Spagetti Western, French New Wave, and Religious Film all in one. Besides being all cool and bloody, it is an extremely complex film. You gotta slap your face sometimes because you don't know what's going on.

I also watched "Fando Y Lis" but that one wasnt too wowish. Typical Jodorowsky bizzareness, but it was ok. I still have another film, a documentary, and a short silent film to watch... plus listen to the commentary. The set also came with two soundtracks... so that's pretty cool. If I didn't buy this, I would have gotten Bioshock, but it wasnt at Toys R Us, so I cried for an hour while I looked for movies.

Other than that... Just been playing Phoenix Wright,Vice City, andMorrowind.

Superbad tonight? maybe.

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