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Gamerscore Update Mon Jul 16 2007

Psyche. I'm not Jeff!! I don't care about GamerScores!! hahahahahahahah.

Anyways, my friend did take his Xbox360 back a few weeks ago, and he brought it back on friday. I seriously did not want to play it. I just wanted to finish up Phoenix Wright on the DS, then get started on Jump Ultimate Stars.

Before that I was playing nothing but GameCube games on the Wii, cos I got my white memory card from eBay. I can now build all kinds of F-Zero machines, save replays, get more save files... yep. It sucked cos I was stuck with the 59 block memory card my friend was letting me borrow. I also beat Resident Evil 4 while my friend played the Wii version. He beat it like 5 times in one day, while I beat it once, and am now on my second run with the Chicago Typewriter... Which means that its not any fun. Luigi's Mansion ( which I have beat when it came out ), Viewtiful Joe, and Odama are the other games I need to finish.

You know what, I actually need to finish alot of games. Contact, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Jump Ultimate Stars, Phoenix Wright, Pokemon Pearl. Sheeyoot.

How about a movie update?

Well actually I got this last month. The French Connection and Apocalypse Now. I HATE how I need to swap discs for movies. I seriously do. Apocalypse Now does that because for some frikkin reason, people thought it'd be cool to have to swap discs in the middle of a frikkin movie. It happend on Gangs of New York, which really pissed me off because games are ok to swap. I mean I'm cool with that, but movies need to be a non stop adventure. Swapping Discs is like adding commercials to a film that is supposed to be Commercial free. FRACK YOU BIG DUMB STUDIO!!! ITS A TWO DISC SET! WHY DIDNT YOU JUST PUT THE ENHANCED VERSION ON ONE DISC AND THE ORIGINAL ON THE SECOND.

That really ticked me off. As much as me buying Full Metal Jacket in Fullscreen. :evil:

Well I guess I'm done for tonight.


Why is the 360 so cruel!

With its super expensive games!!

And Super Dooper expensive Collectors Editions!! Waah waaah :cry:


Anyhoo, I've been playing lots of Gears online, and have been trying to complete all the achievements in Condemned.

I've also been playing some Wii Sports and hitting up the Virtual Console games here and there.


Now let me tell you about movies.

I bought a few movies the other day.

John Carpenter's THE THING

Nartual City

and Full Metal Jacket.


All of these because my friend has -

 1. Never seen the thing and/or knew who John Carpenter is

 2. Thinks Kurt Russel is sucky

 3. The box on Natural City said "the Korean answer to THE MATRIX" and "A modern Blade Runner"

 4. He has never seen a Stanely Kubrick film 


Ok, so this is how it goes. The Thing. Instant Classic, duh!! If you've never seen this movie, gtfo and go watch it. Simple as that. You should be able to get it for $9 US nowadays.

Natural City... yawwwn! What a borefest. I mean it had one good two second action scene, and the rest is pretty much a borefest. I need to finish watching it (yeah, that boring).


Full Metal Jacket... again, instant classic. If you have not seen this movie either, gtfo x 2, then divide by 100, add ellevendy, and  spin around ten times. It was I either get this for 10 bucks, or Apocalypse Now for 15 bucks ( which he and I have never seen ), or Platoon (which he has never seen either). Only bad thing about this movie is that I bought the FULL SCREEN VERSION.



If you guys didnt know, I am a Widescreen whore. Or a "in its original format/picture/whatevar" slut.


Games? I got Odama... that is one freaking difficult game. Nothing else new in Game Land besides the DiRT demo.




/End rant.

Nintendo DS time



Been playing a bunch of Pokemon Pearl and a bunch of Gears.


Also got Ghoset Recon from a friend. Pretty fun.


Waiting to watch Spider-man 3 later today.


I need to look for this movie called Fulltime Killer. I caught a few minutes of it and it had Andy Lau in a Regan mask or something.

Looked awesome :)


Well that's it for me.



Not really.

I'll be attending the Academy of Art soon...


...if, like, I wanna, like, u no? like...

Fine Art, Illustration, Motion Pictures & Television, Sculpture?


Other than that, my friend bought an Xbox360 three days ago.

It rules. Just wish my internet connection reached the living room.
Gears of War - OWNS - beat in 3 days on and off in Hardcore difficulty (normal)

Project Gotham Racing 3 - SWEET! - Pretty fun racing, kinda waaaaay too hard for me. I like Arcade racing with RACING, not drifting and kudos :(

Perfect Dark Zero - UHhh.... I played the first training mission then turned it off .... something about it makes me sick.

The achivements stuff is pretty cool, but nothing I'm going to go crazy for...

.... until I get online... O.O

Peace, dawgies.

So I got a Wii and some DS games.

I got my Wii with Zelda and Super Monkey Ball. I downloaded Soccer, Sonic, and Bonk's Adventure.
I got fifth place in a Halloween Pin-Up competition, so I got some DS games as my prizes: Resident Evil, Metroid, and Contact :)

Good times.

Still working on my site design. I think I'm about to scrap the previous design cos I just cant settle with one.

Wee Woo

I'm trying real hard to come up with my website/portfolio design.

I have a basic idea, but not much.

Been playing alot of WarioWare and MarioKart, Counter Strike Source too.

I saw three copies of Contact at Best Buy, but I had no money at the time to get any of them :( Woe is me.


Hurray for me, as I'm starting work on a Pirate game!  I'm hoping on finishing a couple more character designs by the end of this week and adding alot of sprites to the game.
Besides that I'm also working on character sketches for a little Source Star Wars game.
And doing artwork for the Forest Creator 2 thing... man...

Anyway, all this stuff should be fun, but the pirate game is what I'm really fully working on.

Maybe we'll have a little test demo in a month or two.


Mother 2 that is ( Earthbound ).

I'll be playing that for a while until I beat it. Yeaah and F.E.A.R. which I just got to complete (yeah I know, a little late but whatever). Its hard when you have so many games but very little time :(

But anyhoo, Earthbound rocks my socks. It's a super duper game. If you dont have it, get it!

GBA Games Continued

I just got the Legend of Zelda: Minish Camp.
It's pretty darn good. Has that classic NES Zelda vibe.

But I'm stuck, and I've only been playing for a bit...
Better wander around some more :)


GBA Games.

I've been messing around with a couple GBA games that I got recently. But mostly I've been shooting it up on Metal Slug Advance. It's a pretty good game, a bit short, but it can keep you coming for more.

Not sure what I'll play next. I also have that Dragon Ball Advance game. played a few a minutes of it and it was pretty nice. Gotta get all the cards in MSA for now, though :)


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