@wolfman8325 depends on if the AR is actually balanced remotely on the same level as the other weapons , cause for awhile after launch (PC) the AR was the dominate weapon with nothing remotely equal to it , typical EA game pretty much making anything other then an AR pointless.....i stopped caring for the game when i noticed that pattern that the AR owned all easily , when it can outgun a shotgun point blank , when it can out gun a sniper at range , then theres stupidity involved with the design. if they actually fixed it i might look at the game again , till then EA can go suck it with TF and their BF games....ever since BF3 we saw this pattern of AR getting this massive buff in range and accuracy that made snipers almost pointless. (note in BF3 a guy took 3 shots to the head / upper torso region and walked it off like it was nothing , hit markers and everything , MORE THEN ONCE and different people ) , that is the EA design to sh** on anything that isnt AR.
@Gammit10 despite the bugs BF4 was a bit better then 3 , IF your not a big sniper person , all they seem to focus on these days are DMRs and not actual Bolt Actions with armor piercing rounds (ah miss being able to snipe someone out of choppers / APR(or any non tank vehicle)
@darkknight9174 you are aware that the helicopters + engineers still work in all BF games right? it takes ALOT of Focus Fire from stingers to even take these sobs down. and personally BF3 and BF4 nerfed snipers HARD since BF BC2 , atleast i felt like i weilded and fired sniper shots with bolt actions , not feel like im using a BB gun....BF3 was the worst in this as ive seen guys take 3 headshots and walk it off somehow (even if it was a body shot 2 shots should have been enough to drop them with a bolt action.) , snipers are no longer real snipers much less come close to reflecting the actual rifle considered to BE a sniper , you get DMRs are best , bolt actions arent any more powerful and obviously do not fire as fast as the actual DMR , i would assume this was done by the QQers getting spanked by snipers who knew what they were doing in these games (pre BF3 that is) , now we see ARs firing at ridiculously long and accurate ranges , making snipers all but pointless vs EZ mode ARs , and im only seeing even less armor piercing options for bolt actions (you can shoot at their head through a window all you want , your bullets do NOT penetrate , aka BIG FREAKING HINT that snipers have been nerfed into nothing). maybe one day Dice will get their act together and realize they are no longer reflecting snipers as they actually are , well bolt actions anyway , you are supposed to FEAR snipers , not instantly look around where the shot came from an start pelting them with an AR with deadly accuracy fro m ridiculous ranges (yes that does happen sadly).
@Sun-Tzu-GE @Enundr @uncompetative lol generic? that says sooo much about your taste in game stories then XD and im more reassured destinies story will be great.
@Blazen702 ever hear of a game called defiance? yea tested it out on Xbox 360 (aka xbox live) , PS3 (PSN) and PC , straight up PC trumped both , and both of their networks sucked equally blazen , at most xbox live can mask the lag better but its still just as bad as PSN.
@Sun-Tzu-GE @uncompetative sh!t story? it is a shooter man , those types of games tend to have an on the fense good or bad story , some of the stuff with better storys are USUALLY (not always) RPGs , the few games ive seen that are shooters or hybrid RPG / shooter , ME1-2 , Watch Dogs (admit it that main story was freaking touching at times ;-P ) ......and i just had a brain fart but i know there was a couple of others .......but anyway the story may or may not be sh!t , nothing is gaurenteed and whether it is or isnt is a total personal opinion on the subject , not a fact.
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