@jstowers so your going to say playing all the games, lore , and other such things? ok lets look at the Arrival DLC from ME2 , what happened when that relay was destroyed? , then compare that with what happened with ALL the endings in ME3 , so.....how on earth does that make sense to even be able to continue the story after theyre destroyed? not in teh sense of how long it would take to travel but with anyone even being ALIVE at that point. it broke lore or anything established in the series (as of ME2 with the DLC that was leading into ME3).
@megakick so then whats the point of an "online pass" ? quit being blind. its EA theyve done this for as long as i care to remember , then they decided to start doing online passes to milk more money and claim its for "server maintenence" or whatever , well what the hell are they maintaining then if they shut them down so fast? clearly its not being spent to keep them up longer , its spent to fill their wallets like always. think of it like this , if your familiar with MMOs , you pay the 14.99 to play online , but in this case your not playing an MMO , your playing on a console (if xbox) that your already paying for its online services. so EA tries to milk even MORE money. theres a difference between playing an MMO and a console game. mmos are always constant , have a community (usually) to interact with. what do you get with a console game? quick matches of either coop or competitive games. mmos offer all that and more. so which one are you getting more of your money for and which one is ripping you off? you got it EA.
@feudemonj00 i sorta doubt it considering your supposed to have choices , as was done in ME2s ending. sure you were given 3 in this one , all of being the exact same no matter how you look at it. if they had explained more of why everyone was where they were during the ending , what happened (even in a very short time after) and gave ACTUAL diversity in the 3 choices , THEN people might not have complaint. but that is not the case.
@pxo as i said in a previous post it lots its "art" fact when at the end you see a message about buying DLC in the future! , as with most EA influenced ideas , it has lost nearly everything meant to consider it "art" and more of another "business" opportunity. there is no longer an art factor here.
@Law84 well i didnt say its not art per say , but with how EA has bioware going its starting to become less art and more business , in such case they may be losing alot at this rate. in the early days of ME i could full heartedly agree about it being art , after this ending though , ive seen more of a "business" over art. trying to argue thats its art when after you beat it and having such a incredibly limited / no real variance in endings just to get a message about DLC , again more BUSINESS than ART
@Law84 how many of those games did Bioware have ANY involvement with? most bioware created games ive played have always had pretty solid endings. even Dragon Age 2 had a pretty solid ending leading to the next one (not counting the reused terrain over and over for everything). this is their first game ive played that has just felt like there was no REAL effort put into their ending of the game and generally just left us with a middle finger flippin us off while laughing. all of the endings ive seen are the same just with different colors and such(without going into spoilers cause some ppl will like to complain about that anyway) . when the whole series was about choices and in the end we had no real choice at all.
@Brisingamen Amen , that's generally what its come down to at this point , after seeing a lot of games that were relatively solid in their concept and game play but weren't flashy get such low ratings i truly do not visit any place for ratings , they're all a big load roughly 85-90% of the time. And with something trying to defend such a poorly thought out ending in a game? it REALLY doesn't help any credibility on anything they say about a game anymore. sure the ending was OK at best. but as I've said in a couple of different posts , there is SO little explained , so little variation at all in the endings that it was a truly horrible ending to a series that was great till the end of 3. I actually remember reading a review about a game , looked at some of the pros and cons said for it , and some of the cons were NOT even there in the game , so either turned out to be either the reviewer truly didn't know how to play or maybe he just got unlucky and got a bugged game that apparently i didn't , i gotta try to remember which one it was.....
@Max42 that is exactly what is the problem , there is so little difference in the endings. and another reason why i thought the ending needed a touchup is theres no explanation of what the heck happened , why joker and the normandy were where they were , what happened to ALL of your companions , what happened to everyone in the fight with the reapers , etc , you just see the same choice (not specifying to avoid spoilers btw) with very little difference between them and no explanation on what happened.
@TheRobRose well i dont think its entirely the homophobia , more like when i played the game myself its all i saw left and right , very little diversity. you even heard it in background chatter , theres nothing wrong with it mind you , but it was overplayed in it is more like what i think. as a male shepard i dont think there was hardly anyone you couldnt hit on , it sorta felt awkward with how suddenly most of the returning characters all just start doing it. Liara being the only exception cause of the asari thing. Edit: and as far as i was saying , it was very shocking to see returning companions just start acting like that. i mean if they had put significantly more new companions in then it would be another story cause lets face it , you wouldnt have established things with them and not have seen such a drastic change like that.
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