@richten71 after playing ME3 anyone with half a brain can notice theres no real effort into making a good SOLID game , just more half a**ed games that have no valid endings , shorter amount of singleplayer content just to put in a multiplayer mode that is boring and repetitive , hell look at halo , it had 4 player coop , then Gears of War did 4 player coop , and BOTH had actual competitive multiplayer, and none of its multiplayer/coop modes werent that wasnt bugged out beyond belief (though halo could have a high amount of lag issues from time to time) , cant say i saw many games where you got bugged out from the game for using one of your abilites. EA turns the people that makes good quality games into people who end up either have to rush them before they should even hit the shelf or just put stuff up to get more money and tick off everyone who buys the games.
@edmond_villamor im pretty sure that integrity thing was lost when EA took control. @Pnexus you do know its the internet right? thats all youll see either way , but that ending , not endings cause they were all the same no matter how you see them or which choice you do , was really weak.
@benelori hmmmm possibly , but what says the normal relays themselves wouldnt have a compareable result as well? same technology , same structures , just different power output in a manner , then if you want to speculate , you could also go with you wouldnt know the exact effects of what the end did to the relays, could it have also do to the normal relays that was generally done with the alpha relay to make them blow? who can say for sure , either way it still doesnt make sense , if you watched what happened in the ending it was clear that the blast went pretty far.
@benelori i dont think they established it as a "special" relay considering it was the relay for the batarians home sector? i know omega 4 was "special" cause noone came back from it. the one built on illos to go to the citadel was "special" cause the protheans built it i believe. otherwise there were no "special" relays , anything usually mentioned from teh council was because of a political point of view (aka them not wanting shepard or humans in the terminus systems)
@Decessus well i wouldnt say its the kind of scale where you take from one and give to the other , id say its just more of how much "points" have gone into that side of the scale , it still has art , but it wont be viewed as much when business is sticking out further. especially when you get such a TERRIBLY done ending that makes no sense (including everything established with the other 2 games including DLC like the Arrival that lead to ME3) art took a heavy blow while business took no blows and went ahead further after that DLC message at the end.
@kenjiclouda well if they change it and its DLC , i think it would depend on if theyre charging for it , if its free then fine ill accept that. if theyre charging for it......yea never touching a Bioware / EA game again myself. cause ill just get teh same BS all over again sad to say.
@Soviet330 well honestly? i see very few reviews or anything here that merrit them worth paying attention to what they think , ive seen some good ones ( i think the review for Operation Racoon city was near dead on) the rest are generally crap. and after seeing all their thoughts on the ME3 ending and getting it changed , even further lessened how much i care. sorry to say but its true.
@wwlettsome thats generally it , theyre in a corner now , if they try to change it (which i personally would approve) they look weak , if they dont change it then they piss off who knows the exact number of fans as a source of income (remember EA owns them so its come down to more about money) so which one do you think EA if they are smart enough , would choose / have them do?
@Decessus in response to the video game and art message , it lost nearly all credibility as art when after the end credits you see a message about buying more DLC in the future. that turned it to business over art , it still has some art , but the business aspect went through the roof when you see that (mind you i didnt mind that day 1 DLC though some ppl will argue that in as well).
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