@spartanx169x @Sun-Tzu-GE true , but its going to take awhile for that bad taste MS left with people to wash out (yes im a PS4 owner but i dont hate or give a f**k about xbone ;-P ), removing that kinect itself finally was a good step to try to bring some of the people it lost back , but off topic im hoping what was leaked for windows 9 does not come true......<,<
@blackace @Enundr lol pretty much.....the fact that they said the "more business sense" to exclude an entire console at this point says so much , even if on windows (aka M$ even if not on their console) its sorta obvious at that point that the guy has no clue and is a moron......you dont release it on just one console when both of the next gen consoles have very similar specs to not be able to release it on both and say that (not counting 360 and PC) , its a big hint that M$ payed them , and odds are depending on whether the games a flop or not , will just flatout buy them.....wouldnt be surprised if theyre already making the paperwork at this point seeing how much they try to hype it up.
“We did not sell [Titanfall] to [Microsoft].” it just made more business sense to sell the game on the console that generally has a little less then the other <rolls eyes>
@pip3dream @iloveyourface theres not a huge diff between the xbone and ps4 version from what i see , even as much as i dislike xbone and M$ theres no need to go about making up random BS like that XD
@DerKrieger44 i wouldnt call it ugly per say , but i would call it saddening of what COULD have been , saddened that they were moronic to try to make it "exclusive".....and more so just facedesking as to their reason WHY they did that........it COULD have been even better then what we see , they could have put in ALOT more players instead all we see are these AI in their stead , where is the dam challenge in just a bunch of AI trying to shoot you? not exactly much of a challenge in any game online against AI , argue all you want but those AI should have been put as real players instead of this 6v6 BS
So much potential , but so far anything im seeing / hearing from this game (taking into account its "alpha/beta" status) is VERY dissappointing and will prob end up as a so-so lvl of enjoyment game. (raises shield) come at me Xbone fanboys >;-) (im ps4 and PC so nyah :-P )
@eltomkinson i look at the IQ of the people behind the game , or more so the corporate guys....remember their reason why it was....."exclusive" ? that should tell you how much of a future the game has....just saying lol
@killerrouge201 @ggregd i only got to "make sense" and stopped , dude you type like your only just learning to type , maybe just graduated from grade 6? as ggregd said , Punctuation is your friend.
@Immortallix @Hurvl the issue is , in some areas (like america) with seem to go to that all digital type of future , slowly , yet ISP still remain as shitty as ever and dont seem to improve. the moment we see ISPs improve , then this future MIGHT be possible , though with companies that think like EA i still have a bleak vision of an all digital future , cause lets face it , price gouging left and right , pulling the plugs on your games the moment they dont feel like managing their servers anymore......yea i think you get the idea , corrupt companies like EA will basically faceroll all customers and raking in way more $ then their "services" are worth.
Enundr's comments