I find it hilarious that I wrote a comment on accessible doesn't neccisarily mean dumbed down in the Darksouls 2 article and everybody was coming up with a million excuses and other games to prove me wrong. Now that this article comes out and he clarifies were getting more rational thinkers.
@vault-boy @johnrambo78 "just because you have all 3 consoles doesn't male your opininon valid" I don't know that somewhat implies his own opinion can be invalid. Look up the word opinion good sir.
@alenth lets break what you said down. Resident evil 6 had nothing to do with casual. The producer said he wanted to make the game action oriented and still retain the horror ( they failed the latter). Ninja Gaiden the new director wanted to expand the audience and create a more action oriented game. The game was much easier but that was a side effect not a priority. WoW us the same it was quite a few years back just adding on and refining that foundation. The difficulty is by far one of the less complained about problems. Havent played dragon age cant say.
@PixelAddict @kingcole225 You dont understand what I and the director are saying.I said ramp theyll teach you ease you into the game. I never said theyd tell you all the secrets and boss patterns. They are simply going to explain key mechanics better. There is a difference from knowing how to play a game and mastering it. Just because you know how to play something doesn't mean the game becomes super easy and instantly winnable.
its hillarios how Gamespot is filled with a bunch of uptight people. Whenever the words "casual" , "accesible", "simplified", come up everybody grabs a pitch fork. The guy is saying that he wants to ease players into and explain things better, NOT make the game less challenging. I think this is good because stuff like Yugioh or most card games have an extremly deep learning curve and that puts off most people who dont want to spend their time learning how to stuff. He is more refering a ramp that gets starts off low then gets higher. He is not trying to make the game easier.
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