@Kmangamer true and not. I said exposure alot of people wouldve signed petitions if they knew it existed. this is getting much press so people who didnt know about it before are signing it.
This pisses me off in a way. Guys GTA V will come to the PC its just a matter of time. from what I hear about the PC version of GTA 4 the game was poorly optimized. it will probably get made a few months later. Petitions like these take away from legitimate petitions like Timesplitters 4 and many more that will effect the outcome or if a game will be created...
On a unrelated note can someone tell me how to get an avatar on Gamespot. I tryed but cant get the jpeg I want it says file is to big? It also dosent work when I try to put the link to the jpeg I want either. Im not the biggest fan of gamespot's own avatar selection.
@queuing_for_PS4 let me put it this way. someone starts a lawn mowing buisness. Thier competitors "law masters" have been in the buisness for several years and have had very positive feedback. Now johny who just started has a much harder time getting jobs because he is less known. The ps3 and 360 have an established base and highly acclaimed games coming out. The 360 nor ps3 had as good sales as Wii u in the first week. your logic is plain stupid.
Epictacosam's comments