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EpsilonZX Blog

532 bottles of beer on the wall...

Well I finally got the Devil May Cry: 5th Anniversary Collection and the Metal Gear Solid: Essential Collection, now I only have to wait 532 days until I can play them, lets sing...

532 bottles of beer on the wall, 532 bottles, you take one down and smash it around, 531 bottles of beer on the wall...uggghhh

Big Rant with a lot of wisdom + MKW FC

Well today was the day...the day I would talk to her again...and the results are in...

*drum roll*

*Final Fantasy Victory Music Plays*

I succeded! I also looked like a dumb jackass, HUURAY!

Now what does that mean? Well...

Success + Looking like a Jackass in front of the whole church = I'm over her!

Yup that is right, I am in love no longer, thank god, I hate being in love, it makes you feel all soft and all that other icky stuff.

Now fro the results from this:

- I am back to my badass self now

- I will now play video games and now one can stop me!

- I'm not gonna be in love for a looooong time, so no more mushy blogs!

- Now Love won't cloud my mind

- I got over my shyness

Now many of you are probably confused and want to know if I'm either happy or I'm being sarcastic...I'm very happy, as now I don't have to deal with love, the one thing I at the top of the chart about what I hate,

I will also delete all the blogs that had to deal with just her, hurray!

Now others are wondering where the wisdom is...here it is...

Wise words of Wisdom: Unless you are in college, then do not care about love, as a matter of fact, just ignore it and try to get rid of that feeling, girlfriends/boyfriends are just annoying in High School, besides love in HS will almost never be true love, besides enjoy being single, because once you are not, well I'll let an old saying help me answer this..."What is yours is mine and what is mine is mine". So trust me on this, if you are in High School or less, in other words 19 years or less, do not care about love, it will not work out and someone will end up hurt. "It is better to have never loved than to have been in love."


Now for part 2, apparently, my computer got trojan virus (again...) so I had to restore it (again...), but luckily everything in my fun drive (D drive) was untouched, so all I lost was a few compliers for C++ and Microsoft Windows, as well as everything else I installed, so by tomorrow night I should have everything back to the way it was...and...

Suprise! More wisdom!

Wise words of Wisdom 2: Internet. It's Serious Buisness. Make sure that when you do stuff on the internet, you are well protected, I got lucky, but you might end up worse...So have a good Internet Browser (I recomend Firefox), as well as a Anti-Spyware (I recomend Spybot: Search and Destroy), and a good ANti-Virus that is up to date (NOT NORTON, I REPEAT,NOT NORTON) You might end up getting something worse than what I got and please...do not download porn, save it to your favorites...

NOW LETS PARTY! I Brought the Wine and Beer, and Mario Kart Wii! My FC : 3523 - 2469 - 3280 Post yours here!

Also this is my longest blog ever!

Rant of Wisdom 2: Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm *Now Updated!*

I'm probably the 5th blog about this, but oh well...

I've been excited for this game since it was announced last year at either E3 or TGS, and finally we have been given info today with a new trailer, screens, and the website now up...

and man I think this may be the best anime fighter ever made (of course, Cyberconnect2 made it) it's beautiful, and it seems to capture the show itself


Now my predcitions:

*PROVEN TRUE* Knowing how CC2, releases info on games 2-3 months before they come out, I predict NA will get this maybe July to October of this year.

*PROVEN TRUE* Since this will be about part 1, and NA has gotten more info than JPN, I predict that NA will get this first, then JPN, then EUR (sorry Europe...)

- I predict that in total we will have 34-40 character, that is because that there will be 25 in the game, but there will be DLC (revealed in a interview) and I will be getting the DLC NO MATTER WHAT!

So my wise words of wisdom: If your a Naruto fan and you have a PS3, you have to get this, even if you don't like fighters, now if your debating weather to get DBZ: Burst Limit or this, get this, if you must ask why...watch the trailers for both games then come and tell me what Burst Limit has that is better than Ninja Storm and...

...Pooru, I don't care if you don't like buying anime games, you have to buy this

EDIT: IGN Interview

UPDATE: It seems that there is a new interview and WOOT DEMO!

Weekly Rant of Wisdom 1: SSBB Online

Well this is my first one, I was gonna do somehting more personal, but I was more angry with this...


Now I was playing Brawl online about an hour ago, and all I faced was spammers, either Ike or Dedede spammers, out of the 20 matches I did, only 1 or 2 was spammer free (one was a Ganondorf spammer, the other an Ness' Pk Fre and Thunder spammer)

Now I was nice and changed my characters every match, I was never the same character, not even once.

It also makes me so angry to see a spammer get a kill. You know that they only got a KO by using an over powered cheap character (in 4 player matches, not in 1 vs. 1) and it makes me mad to see all your work go to waste to get a guy ready to be KOed, then you see another guy steal your point by killing him.

Half of my matches I was doing all the damage and building up their percentage, then WHAM some guy kills the guy I was working on, the sad thing is...with not knowing names...you can't make a list on who is a spammer or now...

So my words of wisdom about this subject...please be kind to people playing with you and pick different characters each match, IMO choosing the same guy every fifth match is fine buy me, just don't make it where evry fifth matc you change your guy...


I also need to know how to make friends, as I never have before...

Tagged again...many suprises inside

Well I got tagged again, this time by RPG_Hacker...

Here are my new 5...

5. I have a working Dreamcast, that I bought in Massachusets for $33, it came with 2 controllers, 2 memory cards and Sonic Shuffle (Sonic Shuffle is the only Dreamcast game I own)

4. The .hack series is my favorite anime/manga of all time and is tied with Smash Bros. for favorite video game series

3. When I'm alone, I act out a portion of a story for a game that I thought up of (yes it's basically a game of pretend, and I've started since I was 10, currently 100+ different stories

2. I emailed Square Enix with questions about a job, and they replied saying that they have interest in me and told me what classes I should take if I wanted to get a job there.

1. I asked RPG_Hacker to tag me

suprised ya huh?

Tag...and I'm It...

Well guess it's my turn to tell people about myself...well here we go...from least to most shocking

5. I'm an anime and manga freak...

4. I'm quite shy...

3. I'm the most religious guy out of everyone I know

2. I'm a bit of a perv...

and for number 1.....

1. Am am currently working on a unnamed game (that is no lie) and should be complete within the next few years


There I'm done

Now I will tag three people...and whoever else wants to be tagged...

Tagged: Kingdom09, DarkJageryugi, DrkPrinceShadow


I need a MMO...

In between the hours of 7pm and 10pm...I am bored as hell...

I surf forums trying to find interesting stuff...but nothing ever comes up...

can anyone reccomend me a good MMO in your opinion, either a free to play or private server

I've already played:

AnimaRO (Ragnarok Online)
Flyff (sp?)
Lost Chaos
Tales of Pirates
Kwong Ho (sp?)
Sword of the New World

My reasons for stoping them are:

RO - the private server closed down...
Flyff - too much level grinding...
Rappelz - too much lag...
2moons - Comp not strong enough for it...
Lost Chaos - Comp would crash when trying to run it..
Tales of Pirats - I got lost...
Kwong Ho - it was cool, but I could never perform any Special moves...
ArchLord - My comp got rid of it for no reason...I found it cool, too bad my account is now gone...
Sword of the New World - Comp not strong enough for it...

Please help stop my boredom...don't worry I will not become addicted...trust me...I get tired of MMO if I play for too long in one day...

I want Cabal, but my comp is not strong enough...I NEED A GAMING COMP...

EDIT: After a bit of looking I've learned that the Digimon MMO might come to NA after all, so that is one of my choices...I still want recomendations however!

EDIT2: I forgot PSO:BB, my reason why I got rid of it...the original server closed down so I cannot complete step 1 of the hacking

EpsilonZX, the wise one

I've realized I have a purpose on GS

I will give out my wisdom...I will have weekly rants about problems I feel are important

If someone PM me about a problem or a topic I will share my widom about it and if I'm allowed then I will make a blog of it.

So expect to hear all my wisdom and I will expect a few debates in my blogs about views

Expect it all starting this week starting with my Brawl FC:

0602 - 5946 - 2219

Ten Hut! Front and Center!

NeoOmni is having a Brawl Tourney


I want all you maggots who have Brawl to join, if you want to join PM me, unless you are a member, then you must post in that blog!

I hope you all join!

il mio...dio...

I have gotten Brawl and I have played it for the last 1 1/2 hours...all I can say is amazing...

I am speechless...I have done 4 Vs. Battles (I unlock chars in SSE) and online with my cousin

It was good, there was a bit of lag here and there, but it was only split second lag and didn't affect anyting...

Then I played SSE, and all I can say is wow, I love it, I'm not far in it and I find the story pretty cool...

I have yet to go into the other modes as I want to complete SSE ASAP, but I'll probably make a stage or two tomorrow (I already have 12 past stages to do)

In case no one knows what my title means...it's Italian for "My God"

Brawl FC: 0602 - 5946 - 2219

If you add em please eaither post a comment with your FC or PM me...
