Well today was the day...the day I would talk to her again...and the results are in...
*drum roll*
*Final Fantasy Victory Music Plays*
I succeded! I also looked like a dumb jackass, HUURAY!
Now what does that mean? Well...
Success + Looking like a Jackass in front of the whole church = I'm over her!
Yup that is right, I am in love no longer, thank god, I hate being in love, it makes you feel all soft and all that other icky stuff.
Now fro the results from this:
- I am back to my badass self now
- I will now play video games and now one can stop me!
- I'm not gonna be in love for a looooong time, so no more mushy blogs!
- Now Love won't cloud my mind
- I got over my shyness
Now many of you are probably confused and want to know if I'm either happy or I'm being sarcastic...I'm very happy, as now I don't have to deal with love, the one thing I at the top of the chart about what I hate,
I will also delete all the blogs that had to deal with just her, hurray!
Now others are wondering where the wisdom is...here it is...
Wise words of Wisdom: Unless you are in college, then do not care about love, as a matter of fact, just ignore it and try to get rid of that feeling, girlfriends/boyfriends are just annoying in High School, besides love in HS will almost never be true love, besides enjoy being single, because once you are not, well I'll let an old saying help me answer this..."What is yours is mine and what is mine is mine". So trust me on this, if you are in High School or less, in other words 19 years or less, do not care about love, it will not work out and someone will end up hurt. "It is better to have never loved than to have been in love."
Now for part 2, apparently, my computer got trojan virus (again...) so I had to restore it (again...), but luckily everything in my fun drive (D drive) was untouched, so all I lost was a few compliers for C++ and Microsoft Windows, as well as everything else I installed, so by tomorrow night I should have everything back to the way it was...and...
Suprise! More wisdom!
Wise words of Wisdom 2: Internet. It's Serious Buisness. Make sure that when you do stuff on the internet, you are well protected, I got lucky, but you might end up worse...So have a good Internet Browser (I recomend Firefox), as well as a Anti-Spyware (I recomend Spybot: Search and Destroy), and a good ANti-Virus that is up to date (NOT NORTON, I REPEAT,NOT NORTON) You might end up getting something worse than what I got and please...do not download porn, save it to your favorites...
NOW LETS PARTY! I Brought the Wine and Beer, and Mario Kart Wii! My FC : 3523 - 2469 - 3280 Post yours here!
Also this is my longest blog ever!
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