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EpsilonZX Blog

Osu! Ouendan!

I've recently stumbled upon one of the most fun and time consuming games ever made (not counting MMOs)

It's called Osu! and it's a fan made version of Elite Beat Agents and Ouendan 1 and 2...

The songs are user made and you can download them straight to your game

So far I have 384 songs

I also has online so you cna play with or against others

Link: http://osu.ppy.sh/

Man did this sound like an advertisement...

On a side note, I recently ordered Jump Ultimate Stars from Play-Asia and my bro ordered Ouendan 2...

Well it seems that they switched over...

I guess that the "Gamespot Beta" is now Gamespot...

So what are all of your thoughts on this change?

I already shared mine in a previous blog...

So far it seems good, but the one thing I noticed is that the forums are the same as the old forums...will they change them? Only time will tell...

an M rated blog...(not really)

Man am I happy...

Today I got to take down a deck using only my hands and a sledgehammer, man that was fun...


My parents have allowed me to play 4 rated M things,

- MGS series,

- DMC deries

- Unreal Tournament 3

- The Orange Box

"But how?" you may ask, well it was simple all I did was write a 6 paragaph essay for each game/series, which totals, yes, 24 paragraphs...

Crazy yes, but it worked, they now feel I'm mature enough to play them (essays plus behavior patterns)

So tomorrow I'm gonna pick up UT3 and put a few mods in it, however I'm stil skeptical about The Oragne Box...

Which leaves one more question...will I have to do this for every M rated game I want? Only time will tell...


In Olympics news...the Olympics started and I'm cheering for both Italy and USA, so the best of luck to you all!


In homebrew news...

I have installed the homebrew channel on my Wii, and i love it, so many things to do on it, oh so muh fun...


In friend news...

It seems that I do have at least 1 friend...(shut up...)

Both me and her have been emailing each other throughout the summer and it seems like we both have common likes...

Actually she likes amine more than I do...she even went to quite a few conventions before (Connecticon, Comic Con)

Now all of you can stop acting like you have been...which leads me to my next segment...


In over reacting news...

It seems that many of you have over reacted to my past few blogs, now I won't give out names, but I must say this...

When I talk like that, it doesn't mean that I'm going through spiraling depression or I'm becoming emo, that is just how I express myself, I am a very serious person, so sometimes I talk very serious-like.

If you need more proof, even ask my older friends (such as mav_destroyer, kya-kun, or RPG_Hacker) and they will say I have always been like that...


In Japanese News...

I decided I want to learn Japanese...

I shall teach myself with this...


and this...



Good day to you all...

Lonely, oh so lonely...

...thank you god!

I'm sick of people as of now, everywhere I go I see people and hear them 24/7.

which might explain why I haven't been posting comments in peoples blogs, not because I hate you, but because well...I'm just weird...

And I've decided on a big decision...

Next year at school, I've decided to be a loner, mostly because I'm tired of having "friends" (ungrateful worms) and I don't mean you guys on GS.

Mostly each year I've relied on friends and hoped to have good friends, but each year ended in failed, so now screw them.

Also don't feel bad for me, I'm quite happy and don't feed me advice like "but friends are good for you, they are there to pick you up"

I'm sorry but advice that tries to say how friends are good is crap to me, to me friends are a nuiscance a real pain in the ass...

oh excuse me, went on a rant for a second there...anyway don't feel bad for me, as I am very very happy now without friends and please don't try to make me change my views, if you have been through what I have been through you'd agree with my views...

IN gaming news, I have gotten every single piece of CaS stuff in SCIV, so now I can relax and try to fill up those last 12 slots out of the 50 total and I may post all fo the cameos I created, or I may just decide on a big rant on either my insanity or about friends, you guys decide

Please put your vote within your comment

For CaS, post a 1,

For Insanity, post a 2,

For Friends, poat a 3...

Dictatorship, WHAT THE FUDGE?!

Well my dad gave me nice news today...actually just now...

He says that in my household, it is not a democracy, but a dictatorship, and the way he put it is that he controls every thing I do and I have to do what he says or there will be dire concenquences...

He also said that there is no bargaining in the household, because he controls everything, so now I'm in bed for 11 every F***in night, no more watching anime for me...and that is for vacation and days I have no school, my schooltime bed time is 10:30...Which is a problem because we made a deal that I could stay up til 1 A.M. only on Saturdays (to watch anime) guess not anymore!

So now for the rest of my summer I have to paint 2 sheds that look like hell and have all crap on them starting on Thursday, AS WELL as helping my dad build a deck...and finish my summer homework whenever i get the chance, because my dad told me that the work I have to do is more important that my homework...









Anyway, the higlight of my day is that I got SCIV LE and made Phoenix Wright with the Exclusive parts! As well as finally seeing GameSpot Beta and I think I'll be using it from now on, it's kickass! I'd like to thank kcwsk8 for the link to it in his blog and I'll probably be on GS more now just to explore the beta...

How was your day?

E3 Conferences Rundown, Responce, and Awards (Please Read)

So it's 9:07p.m. EST

I've just come back from Warhawk online where I played split screen online with my cousin, anyway...

I felt that this E3 was rather boring and is nothing like it used to be...

I've watched all 3 conferences (as shown by my emblem) and I must now speak my mind...


The Microsoft conference was boring as hell, who gives a damn weither your the top selling system in NA, I want to see games! At least you showed a few good ones, also I will say, the dashboard makeover is quite pretty, it seems that your online keeps getting better, of course you get what you pay for, suprisingly you didn't announce your Halo game or talk about your Wiimote at this E3...

The Nintendo conference was boring too, but better than Microsoft, you also as well talked about how good your system is selling and once again we already know and don't give a damn. However, what made me a bit ticked off, was that you talked about the Hardcore/Veteran gamers a lot, but you only showed a lot of casual games, the only thing HC/V got was GTA on DS...all the rest was about Casual games (yes Animal Crossing is a casual game and so is RRR:TVP), and what is this? No talk about VC or WiiWare, how sad...however you made me quite curious about Wii Motion Plus and its 1:1 ratio, as well as Wii Speak...

Sony, all I can say is wow, you are in 3rd place now and even though you did talk about how well systems sell, you made it fun, you didn't use a slideshow, you used Little Big Planet as it (BTW not many payed attention, we were busy watching Sack Boy). You also incorperated humor into it, very well done, and you amazed me with the pretty graphics for the intors and the well done movies of the games for each system, your Presentation was very informational, it included more than console sales and software sales, it included your past, present and future. You showed off many games, more than M$ and Nintendo combined, I was very impressed.


Now to talk about the biggest news at E3, FFXIII...

Well Square every Sony fan's heart sunk when your president came back on stage because you had one more thing to say...those seconds were the last few that the internet would remain calm because when you went back up...you announced FFXIII for the 360...every 360 fan cheered, not because they were getting an aweosme game, but because you had more ammo to use against PS3 fans, at that moment as well, every Sony fan was hurt, they felt backstabbed, for 3 years SE has said that it was a PS3 exclusive, but then they turn and say that it will now be multiplat, it hurt, not like when FFVII was put on PS1 not N64, but it was the feeling like when your friend who has been your friend for 3 years goes and turns on you...Now the internet is in chaos, FFXIII board has become hell and anti-Sony and you turned the gaming world upside down...good job...


Now for the awards...(winners are bolded)

- Most Games Shown: Sony, very well done, can't wait to play them!

- Most New Games Announced (Disc Based): Nintendo, you announced quite a few new games,all but one being Casual...

- Most New Games Announced (Downlaodable): Microsoft, a nice variety of games for XBLA!

- Most Talkative: Microsoft, too much talky talky and not enough gamey gamey...

- Most Innovatinve: Nintendo, 1:1 ratioon Wiimote and being able to use DS to do stuff at Seattle and at airports...nice...

- Had Most of the Original Spirit of E3: Sony, E3 was about games and you showed us games...

- The Biggest News: Square Enix, man you got us good with FFXIII on 360!

- Biggest Backstabbing: Square Enix, man you got us good with FFXIII on 360...

- Best E3 Conference: Sony, when it comes to E3, I care about games and you showed a lot of games

- Worst E3 Conference: Microsoft, you did too mcuh bragging and didn't show us enough games, even with FFXIII...


Closing comments...

Square Enix, I am quite ticked off at you...not because you are putting FFXIII on to 360, but because you lied to PS3 fans for 3+ years...and thus I have lost my faith in you...you are now worse than EA and Ubi to me

This took a while to do (around half an hour), so please when you read this, if you like it, send more people to read this

I do realize that there are typos in here, please don't bring them up, I know they're out there...

I wish this could be included in the SoapBox comments on the front page...

Expect another one during E3 2009

NOTE: NO FANBOY COMMENTS, if I see them, I will delete your comment and, if your my friend imediately stop tracking you

Man, I hate chain letters...

Just a quick blog...

Now most of you know about my friend situation...if not I'll say it again

Summer vacation has started and that is the time where all my friends forget who I am

In other words, they basically forget I exist.

However this one person who I'm not exactly friends with has emailed me so I email her back, so she is the only one so far who actually talked to me since the last day of school

Now where does this link to chain letters?

Well some of you have gotten chain letters from me, where did I get those?

From my friends...yes those same ones who are willing to send me a chain letter, but are not willing to email me asking about my vacation...

Man, I hate them...I only send the ones that actually mean something to me (basically the ones I give a damn about)

I think it's about time I told my "friends" to go and srew themselves, granted it doesn't seem like me, but...

Wait...why am I blogging? I hate blogging!

Oh wait that's right...I blog so i can speak my mind since my freinds are jackasses...


NOTE: I am sorry for not commenting on many of your blogs...I have been very busy with stuff lately and it will only increase as the summer goes, so please excuse my act of not commenting


ADDITION: FF Shrine/Galbadia Hotel is in danger of shutting down because of not financial problems...

Now where will I get my anime music...

Robotic NInja Archlords?! OH SHI- (NEW CONTENT ADDED)

Well I come here with gaming news...


First off Ultimate Ninja Storm has a demo coming out (yes the long awited demo):

It will have only 2 playable characters, Naruto (w/ Sasuke and Sakura as support) and Kakashi (w/ Guy as support)

Only 1 arena, the lake area that was shown in the trailer

The demo will have both dub AND sub voices

The demo will come out in 2 ways:

- It will come out contained within the July issue of Qore ($2.99 for one episode, $24.99 for 13 episodes)

- ...or you can wait until July 17 (week of E3) where is will be released for free

Hmm...now what to do, spend $3 or wait 2 weeks...


Anyway, next up it seems that more footage for UNS is slowly coming out...:

- GS's On The Spot has gameplay footage of it (around 23:30)

- On the Spot vid now on Youtube for all those who are too lazy to search through OtS

- GTTV, a.k.a. GameTrailers has an exclusive new trailer and will show it 1 a.m. on Saturday morning afterwards you can watch/download it on their site

- EDIT: GTTV's new trailer poor quality, but in the next few weeks, a better one wil be up


On to MMORPG stuff:

I've gone back to the fun stuff, Archlord, granted I'm only lv 13, but I find it so fun, if only I didn't forget where everything was...So if you play please add me, EpsilonZX

I was going to play others, but my laptop can barely run them, (9dragons made my graphics driver crash 4 times and recover 4 times within 5 min)

I would recommend this to anyone looking for a free AND good MMORPG


Now some fun news:

While lurking the internet I have found this on Newgrounds:

Mech Dress Up Game

Trust me it's not what your thinking, if you want proof, I'll show you the mech I made

My Mech


Finally a comic which I didn't understand until I saw Bleach, but now that I read it again, it makes sense...

Bleach Comic


Heh, this blog was the most time consuming blog yet...

My Drawings (with pictures, obviously...)

OK I was finally able to scan them in at a decent quality so here they are:

This first one is freehand, but I looked at my desktop background for the image and drew that (note: was not off of imagination) I think it came out good. ALso it was ment to be ichigo, but I can't draw spiky hair so I changed it a bit

Ichigo (somewhat)

This next one was freehand, off my imagination, so I had nothing to go off of for this, it isn't ment to be anyone, I was just bored then...

Random Kid

This one is my favorite, it is a drawing of me, drawn freehanded and the only thing I looked at was myself in the mirror. Not exactly to scale, but as close as I wil get right now...yes my eyebrows are actually like that, I have 2 different shapoed eyebrows...



I noticed that when I draw I have a few problems...

- I cannot draw shoes, hair, ears, pants...

- I cannot draw to scale or symetrical, in layman's terms...sometimes arms are bigger than legs, head bigger than arms or left arm shorter than right arm

- I cannot shade in anything, I suck at it, the shading ends up horrible...

But other than that, I think I still draw pretty good, if I got those problems solved, then I could probably be as good as Pooru or maybe even better (you heard that right Pooru...)


In very good news...my parents have agreed to let me show them gameplay videos/demos of DMC and MGS and if they don't think it's that bad, then they might let me play them this summer

I've decided to show them the DMC4 demo for Devil May Cry and Messal Gear Solid from Ape Escape 3 for Metal Gear Solid

However if you have a better gameplay video for MGS that I could show them, then please include it in your comment!

Aw man...I missed my second birthday... (EDITED with a problem)

As I have just noticed that I missed my second birthday here...oh well, I have gained 34 or 35 levels in 2 years!

Anyway, on to some more news...

My dad is being released from the hospital today after his emergency apendectimy, aparently when they went to to remove it, it was about to burst, so boy is he lucky...

In gaming news, I am almost done with Rogue Galaxy, I'm on Chapter 10 and after I beat it I get to look forward to all the bonus stuff which makes the game 100+ hours long!

In school news, I am finally done with school and it's now time for Summer Vacation...great...Now I get to stay home being stuck with my family in the middle of nowhere while all my friends go and hang out with their other friends and they all forget about their friend called Marco for 2 and ahalf months...at least it gives me time to learn C++ and learn how to draw better!

In anime news...I am completey caught up to Bleach, and I'm on episode 3 of Death Note, only 32 more episodes to go!

In drawing news......I can finally draw pretty good, I'll try to put a picture up in my next blog, because right now my scanner is acting very bad because when I scan something, if it is too light then it doesn't come up at all, so I have to darken the picture up before I can scan it in...

Finaly I also noticed that I signed up for GS on 6/6/06...now what could that mean?

BTW: I typed half of this without looking at the keyboard, so I'm starting to get better!

EDIT: OH CRAP, it seems that veoh only has a hand full of dubbed Death Note episodes...and deathnote.tv has them all, but here is the catch...I have to install Zango first (which is a program for 18+ content) and if I don't install it then I cannot watch any episodes...oh what do I do?