It's true, when do you ever play with more than 20 people in an MMOG? A big game of battlefield involes more people, right?
Anyways,fond memories of longest journey have got me start syberia FINALLY. Also, dabiling in Sins of a Solar Empire, but I haven't learned it completely
My wish list is crazy right now, I have WAY too much cating up to do. Life gets in the way, as a friend of mine says. Speaking of getting in the way: GDC went OK, eh? A lot of no-shows but whatever. Got a few more titles to put on my tracking list so whatever. And to reuse my last transition, speaking of tracking list, Stuntman: Ignition for the Wii is off of it. I'm almost sure it never even came out for the Wii, haha.
Also, what's going on with my exp? I'm leveling like whoa.
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