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Cloverfield = Metal Gear Solid The Movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It hit me just a few moments ago. It all fits together. Think about it man!

You can hear the roar of the "monster" from the upcoming JJ Abrams film here.

The monster is going to be... METAL GEAR. Remember the end of Sons of Liberty in New York? Well, this movie is going to show what happens when a new gear is used on America. I nelieve it could be the prequel to Guns of the Patorits. According to this the army isn't able to defeat the monster. Like I said, think about it. Hideo Kojima has said he dosn't want to conitue with the series and prehaps he's a fan of LOST?

Discuss. And remember who thought of it FIRST! ...ME!

My bioshock review

Possible spoilers... I dunno really, I'm just typing off the top of my gorgous head.

Yeah, it was alright. It wasn't the most awesome game everz! likw some people seem to think but it is possibly the best game for the xbox 360. Technically it was almost perfect tho I did see a few glitches in the picture here and there near the end-- and speaking of the END

HOLY GEEZ that was an easy last boss! Wtf I beat him while trying to conserve ammo because I thought he was atleast going to have a second form! Well, maybe he dose but I just got an easier ending because I help all the little sisters. Yup, I got the gay 'family' ending. Kinda made me feel warm inside tho...

Going in an illogical order, lets talk about the plasmids. Common people, it was just elemental magic discized in a steampunk trapping. That said, it was done well BUT there were two things that bothered me.

1- You have to get way too many little sisters. You need alot of ADAM to buy the stuff and the slots and I think it would be more fun without the tight leash. Sure, the rpg stuff can be fun but you have to find stations to swap out your plasmids. And the ironic thing is...

2- Dispite what the game tells you, you don't need more powers as you go! I beat the last boss with regular machine gun ammo, incinerate level 2, security bullseye, bees, and telekinesis. It's smarter to upgrade your shat than get more stuff. Infact, most of my ADAM when toward hacking (engineering) plasmids. On your second runthrough you'll know exactly what you need.

BEFORE YOU SAY IT, STFU. I know I know: "the game it designed (relaxed death penalty, ect) for experementation and defeating the big daddy's are fun to fight and a small price for ADAM. Plus, there's only a few on each deck." Whatever man, whatever.

My score: 9.0 I wanted to say 8.9 but it's too good to not be in the top 10%. If you have a 360 buy it, but the hype isn't completely accurate.

A boring update- STRAIGHT TO YOUR FACE!

Polished off the PSP's Rachet and Clank: Size Matters and the first season on Sam and Max. Neither was anthing special really. Infact, I've already forgotten both- wait, what was a talking about?

I plan on getting Bioshock at or shortly after launch and I'll be back with another of my mini-reviews when I finish it which should be a couple days after the way I roll.

Rich's Wake Part 2 of 2

On the Spot. Monkey balls. What do these things have in common? This week, everything. Thanks Rich- thankyou for leaving us with a show that stinks like donkey taint. You sir, can no longer stand under my umbrella ella ella eh eh eh.

Rich's Wake Part 1 of 2

So, how is Gamespot's audio/visual content now that Mr. Gallop has gallopt'ded away? Drumroll please!


It sucks monkey ****!:D

Well, to be honest, I've only just listened to July's 31 Hotspot. I haven't seen the new On The Spot- but I am expecting it to be On The Gay ie. full of gay sexual content. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but at the same time, yes, there is.

Part 2 coming soon! :D

Say it isn't so, Rich!

Carrie, fine, if you must. Greg? Jesus, alright I guess. Rich? No, not Rich!

Rich Gallop, what can I say about Rich Gallop that hasn't already been said? Nothing, that's what. He was the face of GS live and from the Rich and [whatever] show he made in college to The Hotspot to the studio shows and video featuers Rich had his hand in everything. Dozens and Dozens of hours we've watched him. I think we all feel like we know him. He was a professional with a sence of humor, he was a gamer and an everymanand was a friend to all of us. Come back and visit Rich.

Adam Sessler defends Assassin's Creed and sounds like a tool doing it.

Everyone knows I'm no Sessler fan and I'm not going to pretend to not be bias here but there are some things he said while defending Assassin's Creed's current (pre-release) glitches that are just wrong.

Check out the clip here.

Some people are patting him on the back, these people are also wrong. Here's why: Assassin's Creed is supposed to be using an advenced physics engine and a wonderfully detailed world (remember how Raymond was saying 'everything that sticks out more than 4 inches is interactive' or such BS an E3 or two ago?.) If the engine is designed for articulating many characters with lots of animations in a world that is so dense is physically interactive surfaces and objects, why is it in the last quarter of development we see things like people floating in the air? Why do we see problems with the crowd interaction that is supposed to be a featured staple of gameplay? Should those things even be possible with this new technology? "Polishing" a game dosen't mean making it work- it means cleaning it up. The game on display at E3 was broken.

On a side note, Ubisoft has a history of over-hyping there tech. Take a look at any of the media that was used by the publisher prior to the release of a Splinter Cell game- you'd think they had developed a breakthrough computing tech with every new game in that series.

The other thing that Sessler says is that the Internet's backlash on the demo may bring about a situation where we won't be given the opportunity to see games before they come out. He is serious here? Who really believes that publishers are letting the press see the games out of the goodness of there hearts!? They are doing this as part of there hype-machine Adam! They will ALWAYS let people see the games ahead of time. In fact, usually, there demos are better than the finished product! This was just Ubisoft screwing up by not preparing a special demo like they must have in the past, because if the game is this unfinished now, how were they able to show it before without any problems?

Games get better because of the public's input, not worse. Do you REALLY want dev's making games without people getting upset about the poor quality? Well, maybe if they thought in terms of a whatever-out-of-five like you at X-Play do. At worst, maybe we won't have as many floating corpses in AC come launch-time because of this. Stop being such a publisher kiss*** Sessler and start doing your job- being critical.