Bonds is a cheat, so it doesnt matter how many homeruns he hits. he can hit a 1000 and he'll still be a cheat.
its a real sad day now that thenew homerun "king" is Barry Cheater Bonds.
can any sports in this generation ever stay clean / in order ? its like, everything is getting worse and worse.
the tour de france and its drugs. NBA and its poor state of affairs poor management. NFL with its player problems Soccer with its match fixing and referee bribing. MLB with its drugs. NHL with its union problems and fighting.
the only sports i think till date is still clean is Tennis, and perhaps Golf.
of the list i only like endless ocean, Battalion Wars 2, Mario Kart Wii, and Rayman Ravin Rabbids 2. but i'm afraid thats not sufficient to convince me to buy a Wii yet. cos i only want one this gen console and i still cant decide on which. :(
been eyeing this game for a long time now. and the scores are really good
this game keeps making me want to buy a Wii along with SSBB
but i cant. have to decide on only one new console and i dont know which to get. kind of leaning towards PS3 but its too ex. and the Wii is just as ex, over here in Singapore anyway. its daylight robbery the way they price stuff over here
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