I'd be pressed to believe this unreasonably high rating isn't anything but bait. The movie from start to finish is a disaster.
Pretentious meta garbage for an hour and then an impotent hero and weak supporting cast of nobodies. The villains were laughable in both casting and dialogue and the fight scenes were tepid and boring.
This movie really made me appreciate Reloaded. Apparently we didn't know how good we had it with 2 and 3. Imagine if they had delivered this as the second movie?
@ezio899: I like how no one has said anything and you're already complaining. What is that rant really regarding? Or are all your complaints generally just hypothetical?
@blindbsnake: don't whitewash it now. He was unequivocally a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot that mocked aids victims and paraded around their deaths, while also mocking sexually assault victims and victims of police brutality.
This analysis of action and motive completely misses the point that Abby got her revenge immediately and was satisfied. There was nothing else for her character to do afterward, she was at peace.
Comparing her post revenge actions to Ellie's pre-revenge actions doesn't make sense. Prior to killing Joel she was willing to out revenge before her friends and had the same level of obsession as Ellie. They mirrored each other perfectly in that regard.
Abby only killed Joel because Joel was the only one responsible. Abby's friends were complicit in Joel's murder and Manny and Mel wanted to kill Ellie and Dina, but even worse, Ellie didn't have the goal to kill any of them - the game went out of it's way to have them "accidentally killed" in self defense. We have no reason to believe Ellie would have murdered any of them had they cooperated or even negotiated with her instead of fighting and trying to kill her rather than talk.
That's not to say Abby isn't justified in killing Joel, however that doesn't invalidate Ellie's feelings. The game itself, from Jerry's own mouth, said they had committed horrors as well. The fireflies are not heroic paladins of the apocalypse.
If we look at it through the lense of "this person did something wrong in the past so death is deserved" then every character is entitled to violent retribution. They have all murdered in cold blood. There are no heroes here.
The change if perspective, if anything, should let you see how they are all self righteous in their violent self-absorbed adventures.
The circle-jerk this moron inspires will never cease to amaze me. There is zero information about actual gameplay or what this game is even about, and yet people are already praising it as the second coming.
This will be like the last two Kojima offerings - a mess of half-realized ideas poorly executed because he doesn't commit to any one of them long enough to do them justice. The story will be a garbled mix of nonsense passed off as science dosed in supernatural and riddled with potholes, but Wow, so edgy and deep.
The fact that anyone didn't recognize this as the late-stage abortion that is still leaves me baffled. From the second they announced this game it was obviously a shameless cash grab and of course the company loyalist had their wallets out in advance. Now, they have the nerve to be upset because reality sunk in and they've been had.
Bethesda has shown less and less effort every product. They're still pushing their Frankenstein Gambryo, with all the same bugs every game, which I'm sure they will rename a second time. Worse yet, the games they publish for over developers are far more polished than anything they release. Dishonored 2, Doom, even Prey look better, have less bugs, and are 1000 times more advanced as shooters. From things like animations down to responsiveness. How can Bethesda help make Doom, but can't put reload animations that don't like like they were made from a group of community college kids?
Laziness doesn't even begin to cover it. Why ever work on delivering cutting edge engines, animations, and mechanics when your sleep-walking fanbase won't complain? This company is literally 2 generations behind with no sign of caring.
Erroneous_Snake's comments