I'm not really sure at all where the hype for this is coming from. I've played all the halo games and although I like Bungie, it's mostly for their work in Halo 1. Just looking at this I see nothing impressive, it reeks of halo still. From the sniper rifle that is near identical to the character models and movements. I'm glad the company is moving on, but they didnt move on far enough from their original work.
@jtthegame316 Thats not how a market works, if there are competitors in the same field providing a similar or better service with a business ideal that is more in line with what you are looking for then of course you will go with them. Microsoft should not have debuted with all the media crap when the hardcore gamers that made this console a success couldn't care less if they tried.
They have already been accused this generation for trying to pander to the casual gamers too much and this is just more icing on the cake. If Sony focused on games from the start what reason is there to sit around and wait on Microsoft to do the same, they have already showed that they are looking to hit the widest audience instead of the focused one that has been here since the beginning.
And this will only continue, only an idiot would think this is an isolated incident. Microsoft is going to keep aggressively pushing this media hub idea because thats where they have invested their money. And knowing that already is enough for some people.
Really sick of all the butthurt fanboys. Oh sony is just wording their true motive carefully? Sounds like nothing more than sour grapes from the people that have absolutely nothing to justify microsofts idiotic idea. Honestly, I wasn't impressed, but I still thought it was alright until all the crap about the authentication checks and the sloppy explanation of how used games will be handled. It's all just an unnecessary complication that doesn't benefit the gamer at all, I'm glad killing the used game market was more important to microsoft than delivering a convenient gaming experience.
It seruously makes you wonder if anyone at Microsoft but even a second of thought into what the consumer would want or how any of this crap would benefit the consumer. What does 24 hour checks do for me, nothing but create a possibility for my game not to work when none existed originally. What does mandatory installs do for me, nothing but in turn require constant online access. But dammn I can watch Netflix so it's all okay, right?
I've been on Xbox live for 10 damn years and this is what I get?! I've never been this mad at a company before, I'm done. I've disliked Sony for so long but at this point if they don't pull this always on(24 hours my ass it's the same concept) garbage they are getting me business. If not then I'm done with gaming .
@playersena its the whole damn company seeing dollar signs when they realize they can cash in on micro-transactions and market the console as an all in one entertainment device for people that are too stupid to just use a computer...
I'm so sick of this multi-media garbage and these companies just looking to exploits idiots and the casual audience with micro transactions and things they just don't need. In what kind of world is it more important that you can watch netflix and go on facebook than play an actual game, on a damn video game console! I have a smart Tv, I don't need another machine just for stupid movie stream, I have a laptop, I don't need skype on my xbox. This isnt called a media hub, it's called a game console. I seriously think I'm just done, I hate the entire industry more and more every month these days and its only going to get worse.
@Bluemeanie77 thats apparently too much to ask for in a game console these days. I guess when they call them video game consoles they really just mean dvr/ cable box + internet...
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