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Missing Out on the Fun.....

As I have previously said, I had to pack my PS3 away for the time being.... I am missing out on some good stuff too.... Jericho demo, Simpsons Demo, Stranglehold, and whatever else comes out this week and next before I officially leave for a year. The good news is that I am allowed to bring my PS3 with me to Jordan. So there are several things I can get just before I leave. I also will have internet there, so I'm hoping that there are no issues with using PSN with the foriegn ISP. I dont know how easily I can get games in Jordan. No one else who goes there ever pays attention. I am treading new ground... Unfortunately that just means more work for me... I dont thinkbuying them there will be a good thing, even if its possible, so that means ordering them here and getting them shipped to me. I will just have to wait and see how easily that is to do.

In other news, I sold my Wii. It was just going to sit around unused for the year I was gone and my neighbor wanted it for his grandkids, so what the heck... I still have a couple games like Zelda:TP, I will just get a new one later when I come back. All is good... Now I just sit and wait.

Packed Away for Travel...

I had to move.... I had to move out of my house this weekend... I had to pack my TV, PS3, and Wii away and cannot retrieve them for play for at least a month maybe longer.... WHY? Because I have to travel for work... I do not leave for another month, but I will be gone for a whole YEAR... "Where do I have to leave to?", you may wonder... Not anywhere close... not anywhere in this country or continent or hemisphere... I have to go to JORDAN, Aqaba to be precise... I will try to either take my PS3 with me initially, but I might have to have it shipped later... I will (hopefully) have internet once I get there, but that might not be for awhile... Luckily I picked up a PSP and a few games to tide me over until then... Things will be crazy for the next month.... The only time I really dont have a lot to do is at work... I have so much I still need to do before I leave that I feel like I am wasting time being at work... Oh well... Soon everything will be sorted out...

No high def TV
No internet
Make Esmoro something, something....



Sometimes I even surprise myself....

I am actually surprised in the amount of Rainbow 6 Vegas I have been playing online... I dont really spend that much time playing online in whole let alone just playing one game repeatedly... I am not surprised at the modes I have been playing though... I have mostly been playing modes that still fight against the computer and team up with others online... I dont play modes that put me against other human players... I have played some of those modes, but it is not a gentle place for anything but the hardcore R6:Vegas consumer....

I also enjoy the teamwork that some levels require... coordinating with some people online is sometimes a challenge in its own... I am finding some people that dont hate, flame, yell, cuss, or destroy what is a generally decent experience... good work to those people....

New Items & Bio-shucks...

Well I bought some new stuff this week:
1. Brave Story (PSP)
2. Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops (PSP)
3. LocationFree Player

I am hoping the LocationFree Player does what I want it to, because it would really help me out in the near future to be able to stream some TV stuff to my PSP or PC over the internet...

Other than that... I tried to load the BioShock demo up on my PC and, big surprise, it wouldn't even load... oh well I didn't really expect it to, but I had to try...

Dusted off the Wii and PS2

Well I dusted off the ol' Wii this week. I havent played since beating Super Paper Mario... It wasn't even so I could play it. My GF wanted to play tennis on it... she has since also bowled, boxed, and even golfed some. She has kind become obsessed with being a pro (over 1000 points) in both tennis and bowling... Its kinda weird, but whatever... So since she was occupying my main TV for her Wii Sports, I decided to break out the ol' PS2 for some Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King, which I have failed to play for nearly a year... I dont really remember whats going on in it either, but I do remember where I am going and what I am doing... Good enough... I missed it and its good to be playing it again... Since I refuse to buy a memory card deal for the PS3 to copy my game from the PS2 memory card, this works out anyway... sure there are things I might like to move onto my PS3, but a $15 card reader deal really isnt worth it, maybe eventually I can find a used one at the gamestop for like $5 or something... then I would consider it...

Lair doesn't come out till Sept 4

Stranglehold (PS3) doesn't come out till Sept 14

thats pretty much all I want until around the end of October when Jericho comes out...

Thats gives me some time to work on the games that I already have and save some money up for November and December...

Vegas Online and some other stuff...

I finally had a chance to play R6:Vegas Online and it wasn't a bad experience. In fact, it was quite fun, until I realized that every server I joined was playing the exact same map... I have played on about 10 servers (not just rounds) and only played a different map once and then after one round he switched to the "popular" map... It was a good map, but with only two spawn points there were many campers. I did not like that in attack and defend that the defenders could not pick up the suitcase. So wherever the suit case was on its way to the goal is where is stayed (usually about 10 feet from extraction) until the time was almost over... it just seemed a little lopsided in the attackers favor... The people weren't bad though. I never got called a "noob" which I am sure in some cases might have been warranted... I was slightly annoyed by the guy who was whistling into his microphone the entire time while blaring music in the background... Why did he even have a mic? I pulled out my headset after a few rounds, but never really had much to say and no one was really talking back (no mics), but I assume they could hear me mumble something on occasion. It is hard sometimes to remember you are on voice with other people and not to talk about your day with someone sitting next to you or answer the phone... Overall it was good though and I plan on playing some more... this would really be a first for me too... It seemed that most of the rounds were hurting for people, but there was not very much lag or long waits...

In other news, I bought my first blu-ray DVD and it was pretty good. I bought "300" because it was a great movie and wanted it to look its best on my TV... It looked great, but I probably won't be purchasing too many more until the prices drop a little as the technology becomes more prevalent...

As more games arrive this month and the following months, I there are many games I would like to get, but fear I wont have time to play them all... Assassins Creed, Stranglehold, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, just to name a few... but there a several that I would like to play, but my hardware is not quite "tops"... like BioShock... I dont have a Xbox 360, which really isnt a huge deal, but my computer is also pretty crappy by today's gaming standards. I wont be able to get a new rig until next christmas (2008'), but I might get a 360 Elite before then, but not anytime really soon... I guess I will just have to go without... there will be many games released before christmas that will probably hold me over for quite awhile....

Rainbow 6: VEGAS and now Enchanted Arms....

I made my way through Rainbow 6: Vegas and it was fun... I am going to try to find some time to play online, but for some reason being called a "noob" for hours on end doesn't really appeal to me that much... I am more of a "story mode" person anyway... I still thought I would give it a shot since its all the rage and I am low on games to play right now...

I liked Vegas. I was impressed with the controls and your squad-mates. They seemed to respond well to your commands, but on occasion I would have liked to send them somewhere that I couldn't physically see as to breach a room from both sides or have them enter from downstairs as I picked people off from above... it would have been handy sometimes, but not entirely necessary... Every once in a while I would get stuck at some spot where cover was bad or we were surrounded, but I assume that was partially because I wasn't very good and possibly being too cavalier. It just took some attempts and a little frustration and different tactics, but eventually, with a little luck, I would surpass the obstacle and press forward... I was a little sad when it ended because I didn't really feel like I accomplished the "goal" and saved the day. Now I HAVE to get the sequel, but I probably would have anyway...

I have moved on to Enchanted Arms, mostly because it was $20 and an RPG. Its alright and not overly complicated, but the battle system is just weird. It seems that most battles you win before the enemy can attack and if you don't you will really take a beating... most battles are over in one or two rounds... because neither side can really take damage that long... you seem either overpowered or underpowered compared to your enemies, but the story seems good enough to play through... and if I don't, I didn't spend $60 to find out. It gives me something to do besides stare and my PS3 and download updates...

Darkness impressions before I move on to R6: Vegas

Well I bought R6: Vegas Sunday and have yet to play it... I am going to try to get through the rest of The Darkness first.... I think I am almost done...

Having made it most of the way through The Darkness there are several things that I would like to bring up... like the AI... they seem to like to take cover too much and just wait for you to come gunning at them... normally this might not be so bad except you don't have to expose yourself to attack them... if you just sit back and send out your little snake creature the enemy just stands there and practically lets themselves be eaten.. especially early in the game... they shoot at your arm thing some but rarely do they hit it and even if they do you just send it out again... I beat several areas with just sending out my snake arm and killed everyone without even entering the area... and "Darkness" is such a loose term in the game... really it means no direct light on you... there are a couple of places where it really does get dark and even with the ability to "see in the dark" you cant really see very far in it... and there are a couple of places that look decently lit, but it has no effect on you except where there are actual lights that hang from the ceiling and can be destroyed.... you can also call forth demon creatures to "aid" you, but they suck and take a few shots to kill... most of them die before they even have a chance to do any damage (the gunner especially) or just disappear for no reason...

Don't get me wrong its not a bad game and there are some challenging parts and a good story and some cool stuff....

Oh well... thats just my opinion... soon I will move on to R6:Vegas and see how that goes...


One word: Anticlimactic

Darkness and Vegas

Finally the PS3 is releasing some decent games. I have been waiting for The Darkness to arrive, because it looks very dark and weird and seems like it is a lot of fun. It looks like something different from a typical FPS. I will probably wait till it gets reviewed just to make sure it wasn't all hype.

I am also looking forward to Vegas coming out for the PS3. It looks neat and if its as good as the 360 version, count me it. I have been staring at my PS3 for a few weeks now, wondering if I would ever get games that would really push the limits of what it can do... It takes some time to get things perfected...

I was looking for some games for my PSP in the mean time and think I have picked out a few that I will have to hunt down: MGS: Portable Ops, Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror, Crush, Dungeon Maker (if its any good), possibly Daxter...

So thats a pretty good list... I am hoping to get some time to actually play some games, but the portable helps a little because I can just pick it up and put it down quickly.

I am no God of War....

I dont know if it is just me, but there are certain Medusa creatures in GOD of WAR II that I just cant deal with.... I seem to just be unable to beat them without dying 100 times....  It seems that the balance is not quite right...  It takes forever to stone enemies, but they can stone you quickly and then you die if they hit you once while stoned, while they still can take a beating while stoned... I am now stuck near the end, replaying a certain area over and over just to be stoned and killed by those dang Medusa things... annoying...