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Wii Have a Problem....

Apparently in the week and a half (12 days) since the release of the Nintendo Wii, there have been some issues, concerns, broken stuff, and injuries related to the Wii-mote.  At they have a list, with pictures, of broken TVs, Computers, and most importantly wrist straps.  It would appear that people are relying on the wrist strap very heavily and holding the controllers very loosely.  I suppose soon, mad catz or some other third party will come out with the improved wrist strap to bolster the defense against thrown controllers.

I plan on watching this site for further updates to damaged property.

As far as the "injuries" go, don't blame Nintendo if you play Zelda for 17 hours straight and your elbow hurts.  No joke.  Its called a work-out.  I'm also watching for the first lawsuit.

The LONG Weekend....

I received two whole days off from work, making a four day weekend a magical and needed vacation.  I, however, have a second job that bends itself to the needs of the masses, especially on weekend nights.  I am a door jockey for an establishment that dispenses spirits.  This claims my weekends and keeps me out of trouble.

I went to Best Buy on Friday in a vain hope to acquire a PS3 or (more realistically) a Wii.  People are insane.  I was one of them.  I arrived at 2 am to a store that opened at 5 am.  It gets very cold at night,  almost too cold to wait in front of a store for three hours.  I arrived to find a line, a LONG line, in front that spanned past 3 other large storefronts.  My dissappointment grew.  I was shattered.  They had a PS3 that was subsequently offered to the line waiting to get in the store... I dont know what the going rate on it was, but I sure wasn't going to pay it and I sure as heck did not have that kind of money in cash anyway.

The guy at Best Buy said that they were getting Wii's on Sunday.  I should have guessed this was not "secure" information and that 2 hours before opening was no time to arrive to wait.  I was a fool again.  There were about 30 people waiting for 12 units.  I was not waiting in this line.

Black Friday was not a total waste.  I did get into Best Buy and get some things I was looking for.  A 22" widescreen monitor, blank DVDs, and a 1 GB SD card.

Yesterday was my birthday and I really did not want to spend the first hours of the in front of Best Buy freezing my butt off for several hours to get a Wii...

Rain, Rain Go Away....

So I am, for all intensive purposes, a liar.  I arrived at my designated PS3 buying position to find no line, no people, and no promise of consoles... Alas, I am now PS3-less... The weather is what deterred me the most, however,... with its cold and rain and general unpleasantness found in Indiana.  The weather plays harsh tricks in Indiana in November.  It undulates like the tides, changes instantly, mostly to what you would consider unpleasant any way it decides to flail.  Today is a fair day, though, taking away the rain and sleet and cold that has plagued us for about the time there were PS3 lines to stand in.  The weather mocks us.  I chose to not have pneumonia or a PS3.  The sun shines brightly today, taunting the PS3 liners even more with its general rise in temperature. It almost ushers in an era, a Nintendo era, a beacon in a bleak, Console-buying darkness.  I don't know how Nintendo managed to make the weather not suck for their release or how they managed to totally screw PS3-liners with dank, dismal conditions, but I fear that Fils-Aime knows black magic... and is NOT afraid to use it!

The Power is yours...

34 hours to go

I have all but officially committed to sitting outside in the sleet and rain for what could be about 30 hours just to get a PS3... Once I actually get to the store and sit down my decision will actually be final.  Hopefully 6 pm or so is not too late to show up and hopefully they know exactly what units they have (as to not waste my time).  I don't think I will wait in line if I am not the first person in it... but I might be able to deal with second (I want the 60 Gig version).  I am still debating on what game to get but I think Resistance: Fall of Man is topping my list.  I considered COD3, but I think I will start with an exclusive title.

On a side note, I think I am secretly hoping that there is a line so that I can convince myself to go home, go to work tomorrow, and not drop $700+.  If waiting in line fails, I intend on rolling into a Walmart Sunday morning (12:01ish) just to see if I can get Wii.  If that pipe dream actually comes true, then I need to figure out where there is a Twilight Princess at...

Why does my want exceed my wallet?

Pacific Time & Profile Views

I am starting to dislike Pacific Time.  It makes everything posted on Gamespot so much later where I am.  I am on Eastern Time (I think),  I am in that little part of the country where we couldn't decide what time zone to be in so we created our own "Indiana Time".  Well this is the first year where we actually had to change clocks with the eastern seaboard and all the daylight savings stuff.  It actually took an act of government to change the time.  It actually worked out very nicely for summer, though.  Nice long sun-filled afternoons, but it makes California even further behind for half the year.  I have to wait until noon ET before I can even attempt to do business with California, my day is mostly over by then.

I don't know why i just noticed this, but there is a "Profile Views" for the last month near my level bar.  Is that new?  That is an awesome thing to have there.  Its an interesting statistic to see, and I am glad to see it there.  Hopefully it has not been there very long so I don't feel stupid for just seeing it, but whatever, I know its there now and that is what is important.

Ikari Warrior & PS3

For some reason I am extremely excited about the PS3 as of late... Maybe I just have a one track mind or maybe I just like the anticipation.  I have gone back and forth over whether I actually want a PS3 and whether I am going to go "the distance" to ensure my self one, next week.  I still don't know.  I have considered my options and it really doesn't matter overall, but I would really like to see it in action up close and personal.  On a good note, most places will be selling them at midnight Thursday as opposed to waiting till 9 am or so Friday morning, that keeps another day of work from being missed (though I may be exhausted from sitting outside for a day), but then again I will want to play it also.  I thought about being one of those people who turn around and sell it for a profit and using that money for a Wii (plus some bills maybe?).  It seems like a good plan, but that is just taking advantage of a flawed system.  I don't want to be "that guy".

As time ticks down and the releases draw near, I am still in debate as to what I will do.  In the end it will be a spontaneous decision that might leave me sitting outside a game store with nothing but myself.  I do not know how to prepare for this... There is a time that I will not be there before and there could already be too many people in line, which I suppose will make the decision for me.

I do know that I want a Wii, but I am hoping that I can just pick one up due to the greater quantity Nintendo is promising.

97.71% to go to level 10... not that I'm counting

Lost my Emblem

I seem to have lost the only emblem I had.  Where could it have gone?  Oh well.. Maybe its just an error in the system somewhere... Or I was not good enough to keep it for some reason.... Today is a strange day anyway...

Nothing is going right.....

General Apathy in the face of a new Final Fantasy

As unpopular as it may be, I have lost interest in Final Fantasy.  I have noticed a serious trend in the Gameplay vs. FMV that suggests that Final Fantasy games are less "game-y" and more "movie-ish". (I just make up words)  I feel alienated by the game that is so busy telling an epic tale it forgets that I am holding a controller in my hands for a reason.  I really noticed this in FFX and basically just gave up hope for the future of FF when it continued in FFX-2.  I don't know how long I have had Dragon Quest 8, but the demo for FF XII disc that came with it has yet to leave its home and be played.  Upon the release of FF XII, I wonder how long a name can hold appeal and if people still enjoy a game that takes away so much from a player just so it can have an epic storyline with lots of pretty movies? I said, unpopular.....

Quake 4 = Awesome

I wanted to pick up Quake 4 when it first came out and could not afford it at the time.  I picked it up this weekend and I have not stopped playing it since.  It's freaking great.  One of the better FPS's I have played in a while.  I am about a year late in saying this game is awesome but that is fine.  I picked it up cheap and for $15 bucks it was worth it.

Level 8: Quad Damage & Quake 4

I have finally hit level 8 and you know what that means..... nothing much... I have realized that this could take awhile to reach my goal... at present rate it could take almost 2 more months.  I'm guessing its going to slow down also... oh well, nothing to do but wait.

I am not getting to play games as much as I would like.  I am falling behind and with new systems on the way, I don't know if I can keep up.  I've resigned to not getting a PS3 at launch and hoping to be able to get (afford) one around the lauch of Assassin's Creed.  I wont be crushed if I can't though.  Also the Wii looks like a promising console, I don't think I can justify getting one at lauch with my current game playing trend.  However, with winter on the way and snow and cold emminent, I can see myself being locked away until spring, in that case a Wii might be under the Christmas tree (in November).  I am a discrace to the gaming community.

I saw Quake 4 for cheap at best buy this week and thought I might pick it up and kill some stuff... I have till Saturday to decide, but I probably will.  I think my computer will barely be able to handle it.  Something else I have fallen behind on.  Debt is a harsh mistress.......