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Esmoro Blog

Level 5: Tapper

I have always wanted to be a level 5: Tapper... I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I found it humourous for some reason... must be the lack of sleep.

Information is key....

I was informed yesterday that because I am being cheap and wanting to post videos for free instead of subcribing to gamespot that my videos could be no longer than 10 minutes in length.  I should have guessed that something like this would come into play....  The good news is that only one of my videos is over that length and I just need to shave off 28 seconds of it to fit... The bad news is that the game I am currently working on is going to be way longer than 10 minutes... I beat it once but the recording would not convert for some reason and I lost it and havent had time to do it again.  This is also bad news for any speed run/walkthrough I had planned unless you want to watch about 8 to 9 episodes that could be poorly divided and edited... I still might if I get bored, but I will only do it for one game.... Maybe I will just throw around random gameplay edits or fast forward edits with music or something....

Four days without a post.....

Well its been a while.... which means I have been extremely busy or lazy... I dont know which really, but what I do know is that I am back and I dont really have anything to complain about today.  There are some wicked movies being released tomorrow and I am going to go rent them... Including Silent Hill... I have yet to see it, but I hear it is pretty good.

I still muddle through these levels that gamespot provides with no real knowledge of how long it will take to arrive at level 10 my ultimate goal.  I dance around as much as I can, asking stupid questions to fanboys that give me no logical answer other than "because you should"  needless to say I still wonder blindly about certain issues at hand... all in good time I tell myself, then the answers will be revealed.  I try to contribute as much as possible but in the end it will probably be a time period before it is even possible for me to advance.

I am creating videos (I think I have 5 so far) to post, but it could be some time before hitting level 10.  That could be a blessing so that I can make some more videos and have them ready or bad because I could give up until that fateful day arrives.  I wont wait either... on that day I will probably upload every video I have as fast as possible only to have no more for weeks to come.  Not really a good battle plan but I am very impatient when it comes to these matters.

My videos are SNES Classics so far... I dont think that will change either for awhile... I have many games that I have poured through so many times that other people might want to see the ending of... I also plan on showing some gameplay stuff from the more obscure ones... Including a speed run of one of them... all games will remain secret until that fateful day, but I'm sure no one will be dissappointed.  I am going to refrain from doing endings to games that already have game endings posted for them (congrats to those people who have already posted good vids) but the longer I wait the more chance there is of a duplicate... I bide my time... waiting for the time to strike...

Purge of Cerberus

So I was looking at the FFVII: Dirge of Cerberous and it looked horrible... I don't even want to know what they were thinking when they put that crap together.... Trying to sell a name I suppose.... I just don't see the point in having a FF game with shooting and action in that form... It looked like a really crappy Metal Gear Solid with no stealth involved.  I have not been a fan of FF for a while now (SNES era) but they have been getting worse and worse.  What happened to the good ol' days when it was about the adventure and not about FMV cutscenes and about the character struggles and the party environment and ridding the world of ancient evils and traveling to all sorts of exotic locals....AND AIRSHIPS!!  It will never be like it once was... Technology and "Next-Gen" have destroyed what a good simple game was... It relies too much on fancy tactics than good plots and plot twists...

Boycott Final Fantasy!

Banner and other pics

I was wondering how hard it was and what I would have to do to make a banner.  I thought it might be more difficult than it was alothough, I suppose, mine doesn't look too professional.  I also thought I would need something like photoshop or some other expensive program to get it formated and setup properly but I didn't need that either.  It took me about 20 minutes and paint and I managed to hammer out something that at least looks appropriate.  I went a little heavy on the DQVIII stuff, but it was just a trial run so that I did not have a blank banner.  Also I found some good pics (still DQVIII) to upload for my Icon and my profile pic.  I was just testing this stuff out to see how hard it was to make.  Now, with a little more time on my hands, I can maybe put some variety into my banner at least.  The one thing I am unhappy with is those little tabs at the top that block some of the pic (especially Jessica!!).  With a little work I could fix all that.  Maybe later, but if I do, it will make some of these ramblings not make sense.  I almost want to do it now.....

Leveling system here at Gamespot

Apparently there is some sort of leveling system here on Gamespot and when you join you of course start at level 1.  I'm good with this ranking system, but I wonder, "How exactly does the system work?"  I cant honestly figure it out.  It has to do with participation on the site, but what kind?  I keep running into things that tell me I need to be on a certain level to do things, and I am impatient, I suppose.  Does writing this blog help?  Does putting games on my OWNS list help?  Does just tracking or using the site help?  I cant seem to find a definitive answer anywhere.  All I know is that it seems to be going up and hopefully at a decent rate.  This is where the problem is.  I want to post videos.  I have to be on level 10 here to post videos, or I could pay for a gamespot account.  I suppose I could pay but I am cheap when it comes to this kind of stuff.  I have a lot more time on my hands than money.  Just a thought... I am going to keep doing what I am doing and making my vids waiting for the day that I can get them posted.

Playstation 3

The Playstation 3 is nearing release and the question on a lot of people's minds is, "Is it worth it?".  Well, is it?  Who knows... But what I will say is that it is a blu-ray dvd player a major bonus when you figure you would have to buy that separate with any other system.  Bringing total home media player cost to a high.  Whether or not blu ray will catch on or not remains to be seen, it still could go the way of the HDDVD and be added to your XBOX for a price.  The games for the PS3, however, look like they might have some statis over that 360 because they worked on it for a whole other year.  Strange it is that XBOX came out after PS2, but their new system came out before PS3.  The one thing I do not like about the PS3 which was one of their bigger announcements of "the show", is the motion sensitive controller that does NOT rumble.  People debate the rumble feature, but I personally like it.  I like it better than motion sensing.  Motion sensing seems like it is just one more thing that can go wrong with your controller.  Especially if it is necessary for game play.  This is think is the biggest downfall to the Nintendo Wii.  I probably wont get one because of it.  Although, the Wii managed to work rumble into their Wii-mote.  They show all the people in the commercials jumping around their living rooms with the Wii, and somehow I just down see people doing that.  I dont know, maybe Nintendo is going to start the Wii-diet program or something.  You play games and jump around so gamers aren't fat anymore.  I probably sound fanboyish about the PS, but honestly I never owned a PS1, I was all Nintendo till the PS2 tilted my favor.  I have owned all the current gen systems and I still dont go for the XBOX.  It was the last one I got and the first one I got rid of.  I just wish the Cube had more titles that were up to their ability.  It is getting branded as being "kiddy" and not for the more serious roles.  But their best games were Mature titles (minus Zelda) like Resident Evil 4 and Eternal Darkness.  I digress.  I think PS3 is going to be my way to go, especially with the High Def goodness (another mistake of Nintendo) I will be able to pull out of it.  It might cost more, but it should be worth it in the end.

Brand New Blog

So not much to talk about here yet.  Just joined after viewing all sorts of stuff on here for a long time.  For some reason I never noticed that I could join for free until today... I dont read very well apparently.  I blame video games.  With the new battle for console superiority and having to pay for things myself, I still find myself confused by the debates on which console is going to reign supreme.  In my limited wisdom, I will venture into the Forum World and attempt to get an answer, but in the end everyone will disagree.  To the FORUMS!!