Evolving_Jesus' forum posts
Stop bumping this topic EJ.Silver_Dragon17your the one who just bumped it! and stop trying to take our freedoms!
cool!!!For a much better documentary on the similarities between world mythologies (including christianity) check out "Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth with Bill Moyers"
why not, i bet any money they believe some random collection of old stories to be absolute athority. Fundamentist christians made up that whole global warming myth idea... its not global warming! its signs that jesus is coming back!! wooo hoooooooSo, some random site on the internet = absolute athority.
You really thought that one through.
[QUOTE="Evolving_Jesus"]14-15 pages and no evidence to contradict this movie yet... just a whole lot of wishy-washy jesus talk.SpaceMoose
You, sir, are just as ridiculously loyal to this movie to the point of denying all conflicting evidence as they are to the Bible. That is the grand irony of this whole thread.
woah, you are the first person to actually get it. and to comment on your other post, "I cant belive im arguing for both sides" that is such an awesome attitude. i wish more people would exercise that stand point. with that attitude humankind might rise to the truth faster then we will at the rate we are at today. and about your other post on consistence of the bible... what was written on that sign they put above jesus's head on the cross??? or did they hang it around his neck??? lol or... how many woman came to his tomb??? or... or... etc etc...
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