props for having FFCC in there, that game is usually overlooked. close between galaxy and crystal bearers but i went for final fantasy becuase of how much i liked the last one.
what are you even talking about? i said i would hit you with my wii (meaning my penis)Â it was a very simple joke. i dont know what your rambling about but keep goin cause its very entertaining.
hahahahaha this kid is so shook that he actually sent me a private message telling me what he posted. also i just told you to learn how to read and then you go and say i wanna throw my console at you???? when i specifically told you NOT MY CONSOLEÂ implying that i would hit you with my dick. dumbass, you have been owned so stop embarrasing yourself.
actually using teh, 133t, uber and graphix was just a way of making fun of fanboys like you. hahahaha. oh and i said did your SYSTEM get beat up by the wii, learn to read. i'd smack you with my wii if i ever saw you in real life (not my console either)
ps........... i know i'm cool so you dont need to tell me, oh and way to re-use my puberty joke, i enjoyed that.
some good choices but imma have to go with all the SSBB threads, its gotten so repedative that i am not even anticipating the game anymore and i just wish it would get released already so that the threads would end.
hahahaha @ this wookiemonster and his feelings, going through puberty or what? OMG no 133t uber graphix, must be for 10 year olds. hahahah your lame and have no idea what your talking about. teh wii must have hurt you in a bad way, did your system get beat up by it or something
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