same man. Especially with rpg type games or games like GTA IV. Even with Ratchet and Clank I took longer than what IGN says the game will take you... I guess I always try to do everythingAh perfect length, though I would like it to be longer :P Uncharted was said to be 8 hours long but it took me around 10 hours. I always tend to savour the singleplayer experience thus it takes me longer then usually stated by other gamers
EwwFanboys' forum posts
Lol at the San Andreas bashing in this thread. How could you hate the characters? That game had believable characters (despite awful graphics, but they weren't that bad back then!) and the story had some good twists. The gameplay was great as you could do a lot that's abscent from GTA IV. The game had all type of environments and was straight up fun to play. Voice acting was good. Also, being able to build up your character, change his appearance, buy houses, and other custmization were nice features too.
If San Andreas ran on the GTA IV engine, it would amazing (lol @ explosions in San Andreas).
If there are three games that I wish was running on an up-to-date engine, they would be:
Final Fantasy 7
GTA: San Andreas
with the first one did naught dog say it was going to be 8 hours? Because if they did, then they may be telling the truth on the 12 hours.That is a perfect length, I beat the 1st Uncharted in 7 and a half hours, and it was my 1st PS3 game, anyways, that's nice to know, anything over 10 hours is fine by me.
This is like a gauranteed 9.0 from GameSpot. I think it has a good chance at hitting 9.5 if the story is engrossing enough, offers significant twists, and if the multiplayer is bug free and runs smooth for the most part (based on the beta, it has already proven to be fun for the most part according to the players). It has a very very slim chance to get a 10, but if Naughty Dog makes like no mistakes bug wise with multiplayer/single player and the single player ends up being one of the best campaigns in all of videogames, then it will get a 10.
As long as FM3 has as much AA as possible to make everything silky smooth, then we're good. Because FM2 looked like a jaggy mess, lol.
This would also apply to the popularity of the Wii. Which is a console mainly comprised of casual gamers.[QUOTE="EwwFanboys"]
It's dumb how games like Uncharted and Mass Effect are incredible in terms of quality and fun factor, yet they will always be outsold by Halo 3 and Call of Duty's... Sigh..
That's the general non-experienced lacking in variety gamer for ya
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