EwwFanboys' forum posts
Ok? Nice way to admit you have an alt account? Don't the rules here say no alt accounts? Maybe you should think before typing. i have suspect him to be MD- from the beginning LMAO. now he just admitted it which is just too epic. And to MD-, dont say people making stupid assumption because that is just hypocrisy. You are the one who assume that I did not play God Of War in the DI thread, geez. In the DI thread, I was basically making the point that if you can't acknowledge that both games have the exact same gameplay, I doubt you've played a God of War game. You can take me literally on that statement, but it doesn't really matter because everyone who has played a God of War game can instantly recognize why people say the game looks the same on a gameplay level. So regarding that thread, I didn't care whether my assumption about you playing God of War was right or wrong. Also, I admitted to being mD- and I don't care either. I'm not trying to hide or anything. There are tons of fanboys on these forums that make like 5 different accounts to argue their case. I just made a new one because I wanted to (my post count on mD- is 1337, rofl I know sad but w/e). Unless someone wants to bother reporting me (which is the main way people get modded or banned) then I'll continue to post as I please. At least I'm not like those who make 10 accounts.[QUOTE="JangoWuzHere"][QUOTE="EwwFanboys"] My old account is mD-. It's not banned, I just retired that account.OPuniverse
I said which BIG games would you miss out? The point I'm trying to make is that the PS3 + PC gives you more quality than a Xbox 360 + PC. But, for those who value playing on Xbox Live with friends, it's understandable that they'd want the 360 + PC combination. again you did not understand, PS3 + PC or 360+PC, which given out better quality is fully base on the user opinions. And you ask me which BIG games I would be missing out on the systems i own right? So I answered "look at my gamertag right now, 4 of those are not on the pc." Those to me are some of the BIG GAMES that i would be missing out if i don't have a 360 and owning only a pc. 1) I don't want to and shouldn't have to bother looking up your gamer tag. You could just list the games... 2) I think that you're bias on this since you'd obviously enjoy the 360 more than the PS3 exclusives, but it's crystal clear that the many of the 360's BEST GAMES overlap and with the PC counterpart (THIS IS FACT) and the PC counterpart is usually the best version and controls the best (and I'm not talking about for everyone, but for those who are use to playing a lot of PC games). Because of this you lose more high quality games getting a 360 + PC combo over a PS3 + PC combo. Unless you absolutely hate all PS3 exclusive games (and if you've been gaming since SNES days and have played all the consoles, then you'll find that this is impossible), then the PS3 + PC combination is the best.[QUOTE="EwwFanboys"][QUOTE="OPuniverse"] umm i own a 360/pc. You can look at my gamertag right now, 4 of those are not on the pc.OPuniverse
Deciding factor over what? Choosing another mp3 player cause the whole point of the Zune is listen to music first, watch videos second like most mp3 players... The Nintendo DS and PSP are the best portable gaming platforms.Will it play xbla arcade games ? That will be the deciding factor for me.
Lol, and many of the fanboys on SW cry "GAMESPOT scores ONLY!!!!!!!!"It's averaging 88 on metacritic. This is just another case of Gamespot being way off the mark.
[QUOTE="EwwFanboys"][QUOTE="OPuniverse"] It is not clear mate because BEST combination is depend on the users. Some people want 360 games more than ps3, some want ps3 games more than 360, and vice versa.That's why we have opinions. m/kb and controllers are also opinion. i like the feel of a controller better. I have a gaming rig and guess what? some of the games i wanted to play arent on the pc, thats when the 360 comes in.OPuniverse
You're just being vague and not being specific at all in regards to the best combination. Which big 360 games would you miss out on other than Halo, Gears, if you owned a decent gaming PC, PS3, and a Wii?
umm i own a 360/pc. You can look at my gamertag right now, 4 of those are not on the pc. I said which BIG games would you miss out? The point I'm trying to make is that the PS3 + PC gives you more quality than a Xbox 360 + PC. But, for those who value playing on Xbox Live with friends, it's understandable that they'd want the 360 + PC combination.[QUOTE="EwwFanboys"][QUOTE="CyberRuler"]yeah that's the thing. The Xbox 360's strength relies on the online users who play games with their friends and many people value that. For me though, I've met a lot of nice/cool people online playing some of the free rpgs or other types of games and because it's PC where it's way easier to communicate (because of the keyboard). The convo's and chats, usually always end up being more hilarious/interesting than if I were to play on xbox live with friends. The ironic thing about all of this is people claim to praise Xbox Live for it's features and I happen to not give a crap because I just want to play online and that's it. It's not even just me. I had 3 roomates last year and they played on live way more than I did. People across the hall played on live a lot too. We all NEVER use cross in-game chat or even care about chatting online with people. They just play the game and own noobs, lol. In fact, I don't even really hear people use the mic that much and when they do, they don't usually say anything worth hearing anyways. Anyways, I can see how people would value owning a 360, Wii, and PC over a PS3, Wii, and PC. It's clear though, that it's not the best combination for getting the best games. It is not clear mate because BEST combination is depend on the users. Some people want 360 games more than ps3, some want ps3 games more than 360, and vice versa.That's why we have opinions. m/kb and controllers are also opinion. i like the feel of a controller better. I have a gaming rig and guess what? some of the games i wanted to play arent on the pc, thats when the 360 comes in.Got me there :P but in all honesty the 360 for most people would be better than a PC because unless you have pc gamer friends (or you play alone), chances are most gamers you know will own a 360 or a PS3. The PC may have better content, graphics, free online, user created content, and dev support, but my 360 is a cheap alternative that a lot of my friends have. I love knowing that I can pop in Gears of War 2 and always atleast have one friend playing so I won't have to play alone. Same goes for my PS3 when it comes to Killzone 2 or COD:WAW. I only know 2 PC gamers, and they are annoying and obnoxious and not exactly the type of people I would like to game with. Also, I personally hate using kb/m for gaming even though a lot of people love it.
But to get on topic, I own a Wii for the few good exclusives it has and so my younger brother and I can play non-violent games together, my 360 for exclusives and some multiplats, and my PS3 for exclusives and most multiplats. My PSP also gives me a lot of great games that I can play where ever I go. Sure, a gaming PC would be nice to have but I just don't have the money for it and I wouldn't have any friends to play with.
You're just being vague and not being specific at all in regards to the best combination. Which big 360 games would you miss out on other than Halo, Gears, if you owned a decent gaming PC, PS3, and a Wii?
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