[QUOTE="-RocBoys9489-"][QUOTE="EwwFanboys"]I'm a fanboy because I think the Zune HD looks better than the Touch AND costs $80 less?! :? Don't worry,he thinks because of his nickname it hides the love he shows in every post about the ps3. I'm not trying to hide anything genius. Yes, I prefer the PS3 as a console because I like/want the games on that system more. So what? That doesn't make me a fanboy in anyway. Based on your posting history, YOU definitely show to not only be a fanboy, but a person who generalizes all people who own a ps3 by saying 'cows do this and that'. I don't bother taking the time generalize console owners on these forums.and I hope you know that this post is the final confirmation that you're a microsoft fanboy (not like it really matters anyways though).
EwwFanboys' forum posts
[QUOTE="EwwFanboys"]What is your problem? Anger issues much? What do you mean what is my problem? What in that post shows I'm angry? Read the article on Creative Zii, it really is pretty much the best mp3 player I've ever seen as it has everything..Also lastly, I hope you all know that the Creative Zii ****s on all other MP3 players. It's not even close. The only concern is the battery life, but I pray to god that the consumer version of this ends up having almost all these features:
[QUOTE="EwwFanboys"]I'm a fanboy because I think the Zune HD looks better than the Touch AND costs $80 less?! :? You're a fanboy because you bothered to post this in system wars rather than the other forums where it's definitely more appropriate. Your ridiculously lame excuse was that it's aiming to have integration like the PSP to PS3 integration. Look, I really like the Zune HD so far and I'll be probably be purchasing one if I don't hear anything about the Creative Zii. But we both know that this doesn't belong in system wars and your reasoning to bring it here is such a long stretch.and I hope you know that this post is the final confirmation that you're a microsoft fanboy (not like it really matters anyways though).
Also lastly, I hope you all know that the Creative Zii ****s on all other MP3 players. It's not even close. The only concern is the battery life, but I pray to god that the consumer version of this ends up having almost all these features:
and I hope you know that this post is the final confirmation that you're a microsoft fanboy (not like it really matters anyways though).
[QUOTE="EwwFanboys"]The Xbox 360 and Zune are becoming a lot more integrated, like the PSP and PS3 is, so I though it would be appropiate. But many people don't know the official prices so here they are :P The Zune HD is a MP3 player 1st, a video player 2nd. The PSP is a gaming platform first, video player 2nd, music player 3rd. The Apple Ipod touch is a mp3 1st, a vid... wait a min, LOL *remembers that it still has average audio and people use apps just as much as they listen to music on the touch*that's great and all as I'm looking to buy an MP3 player, but...
you're not even new to these forums..
that's great and all as I'm looking to buy an MP3 player, but...
you're not even new to these forums..
[QUOTE="mitu123"] Fanboy crap, LOL, I'm not even a fanboy to begin with. Don't tell me you're one of those people who can't see a difference because they don't care to see a difference, a lot of people are like that, definitely cows. Unlike you, I can see a difference in textures, lighting, AA, HD, and more graphical effects. While a lot of them are similar, Eurogamer proves that more are better on 360. And some cows say GTAIV is better on the PS3, LOL, that jaggie, blurry non HD(640p) version does not look better than a 720p, 2xAA non blurry 360 version. Same for Resident Evil 5 and a lot more multiplats. Not to mention that 360 has more HD multiplats than the PS3. If you can't tell the difference between anything below 720p and 720p, it's proof that you aren't trying.
At least some multiplats are better on PS3 though as I'm getting some.:)
bbbutttt what about Blu-ray and teh cell?
Sony brainwashed you, I'm still waiting for 1080p native games at 120FPS in 4D with dual screen support.:lol: is there a link to a video where a Sony rep says that it will support 4d?
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